BMW Driver are The Worst


Oct 12, 2013
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I swears that every BMW I see on thr road just be driving like an asshole. Like I be in the fast lane and see the. coming up on me crazy and I hit the blinker to move over and it aint fast enough, they dont even try to hit the brake to slow for 1 mil sec. They just jump in the slow lane trying to pass anf I be doing like 60 in a 40. And they never come to a complete stop at a stop sign, just slow roll every one of them bitches. And I just seen one cut a car off cause they didnt want to wait the whole red light to turn right. i kmows it wrong to class all them as asshole but dam they are.
I swears that every BMW I see on thr road just be driving like an asshole. Like I be in the fast lane and see the. coming up on me crazy and I hit the blinker to move over and it aint fast enough, they dont even try to hit the brake to slow for 1 mil sec. They just jump in the slow lane trying to pass anf I be doing like 60 in a 40. And they never come to a complete stop at a stop sign, just slow roll every one of them bitches. And I just seen one cut a car off cause they didnt want to wait the whole red light to turn right. i kmows it wrong to class all them as asshole but dam they are.
My first question to you is

What is a fast lane?
You mean the BMW lane?
Gtfo of that lane
I drive a Cadillac and I'll drive like more of an asshole than anyone on Sherdog, but it isn't because I'm going too slow.
I used to drive a BMW (And now I got an Audi) and I've always driven pretty respectfully just to show we're not all monsters
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Probably leased also... Mercedes BMW so many fake rich wannabes.
People who buy BMWs think that owning the car means other people respect them more because of it. They feel they are entitled to more respect because they own a BMW. They are assholes.

What's the difference between a porcupine and a Porsche or BMW?
The cars have the Pricks on the inside.
Guilty. My commute is over an hour each way. It's every man for himself.

I do stop at stop signs though. Usually.
It's true. The worst ones are the ones who have the 3 series cars. It's usually "rich" young pricks or guys going through a mid life crisis. They somehow think that b/c they bought the cheapest BMW available that they've "made it" in life. Therefore they think they are better than everyone and drives like pricks and have no concern for anyone else. As a group in general they are definitely the worst.
I swears that every BMW I see on thr road just be driving like an asshole. Like I be in the fast lane and see the. coming up on me crazy and I hit the blinker to move over and it aint fast enough, they dont even try to hit the brake to slow for 1 mil sec. They just jump in the slow lane trying to pass anf I be doing like 60 in a 40. And they never come to a complete stop at a stop sign, just slow roll every one of them bitches. And I just seen one cut a car off cause they didnt want to wait the whole red light to turn right. i kmows it wrong to class all them as asshole but dam they are.
My 20yr old BMW and myself would gladly share the road with you. I have a manual so I’m able to dodge out of the way from most of these horrific drivers. If I had an automatic I wouldn’t have been able to avoid so many accidents. I think Tesla drivers are the worst here in Silicon Valley.
Tesla drivers are coming after that mantle, to be honest.
Is there an app I can get to translate your posts from Section 8 into English? ;)

I swears that every BMW I see on thr road just be driving like an asshole. Like I be in the fast lane and see the. coming up on me crazy and I hit the blinker to move over and it aint fast enough, they dont even try to hit the brake to slow for 1 mil sec. They just jump in the slow lane trying to pass anf I be doing like 60 in a 40. And they never come to a complete stop at a stop sign, just slow roll every one of them bitches. And I just seen one cut a car off cause they didnt want to wait the whole red light to turn right. i kmows it wrong to class all them as asshole but dam they are.