BJJ/MMA hotspots in socal?

Scruff Dog

Black Belt
Mar 3, 2007
Reaction score
hey guys

im lucky enough that ill be spending a whole week in cali in about a month (first time!). obviously im going to devote some time to laying on the beach all day, getting fat, and chasing coked out blondes around, but i cant help but want to visit some of the many many top shelf bjj/mma spots in the area.

im going to be primarily in orange, CA zip code 92868 (socal) but ill have a car so i can travel a bit. BJM's place, elite mma (bas!) and AKA all seem a bit too far away, but team quest is about an hour drive so i imagine i will stop by and slob hendos knob once or twice.

thats all ive been able to find so far though, any advice would be much appreciated. i certainly wouldnt want to miss out on the pure BJJ places also though i dont know how to search for those exactly.

thanks much
the thrifty ones get cracked out...gotta make it last.

this thread is golden
thanks for the tip sean, thats rediculously close by. ill definately have to stop in. grats on the success at the worlds! that instructor of yours is a big boy...
Gracie Barra America HQ is in Irvine. It's about a 15 jaunt from where you are.
Franco De Carmargo (dont know much about them)
Tinguinha's (Great school but its pretty small very nice guys)
GB Yorba Linda (new school probably filled with white belts)
GB Irvine (This is like Black Belt heaven TONS OF PEOPLE)
Ralph Gracie Oc (Ive seen this team at tournaments they have a really strong team)