BJJ mats


Brown Belt
Feb 14, 2010
Reaction score
Can you recommend me some mats to buy to use at home in the garage for my son and I?
Average sized adult males need at least 10 feet by 10 feet (3 meters by 3 meters), and that will feel cramped. More is better. 7x7 meters square is desirable.

If you are doing research, start with Dollamur and Tiffin to see what high-quality mats cost, and then work downward in cost/thickness/quality. Big judo throws and wrestling slams need thicker better mats (especially if you are putting them down on concrete), but almost anything is fine just for grappling.

I suggest going on Craig's List (or whatever the equivalent is, in San Diego): search for 'mat', 'wrestling mat', 'tumbling mat', and see who is getting rid of what.
I got two dollamur mats that Velcro together and I think it’s 8x8 which is indeed cramped but we put it on grass so spilling over isn’t a big deal.

The Gracie Torrance guys had a good video on how to make your own as well...
The Gracie Torrance guys had a good video on how to make your own as well...

That Gracie style is awesome. Single cover over the whole mat area is great for a couple reasons.

- Easy to mop
- Bacteria, dirt, and grime doesn’t get in the cracks of mats
- no chance of breaking fingers or toes in the cracks of mats.
If you're just looking for mats to drill / roll without any takedowns, you could just use some jigsaw mats, 30mm or 40mm. Minimum of 9, for a 3m x 3m area.