BJJ lineage

I think your ability and knowledge are what determine your legitimacy. I would love to say I have a great lineage, but I'm more of a mutt.

Mine is all messed up

Helio > Rickson > Behring > Fernando Yamasaki > Luis Pantoja > Me (no belt given)
Helio > Rolls > Romero Jacare > me (got blue belt from Alliance)
Back to Yamasaki (same instructor, but again no belt given)
Carlos Gracie > Rilion Gracie > Tony Eduardo Lima > me (Shanghai GB Affiliate)

I think the only way I could be more F'd is if I left this school and got my purple belt from Eddie Bravo, then found Terere to get my brown and then tracked down Nocturno for my blackbelt.

I'm in the same situation with the affiliate school, because there are really 2 purple belts that teach most of the classes, but Tony handles the promotions. I think it should be the guy who promotes you, but that might not be the general viewpoint.

It is interesting for the sole purpose that you can see some pretty different ways in which people roll and react to certain things.
Just don't put your "lineage" in your sig. Please. No one want's to see that.
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Lineage only means something to those who are petty and need to attach labels to be perfectly honest. Lineage is nothing without being able to apply your skill. I don't care if you have a Rickson Gracie black belt or if you bought a gi, black belt and dvds. What you learn and how much you know isn't nearly as important as how you apply it. A black belt means nothing in the grand scheme of things. It just means you've been doing it longer. Don't get me wrong, it is a great priveledge, honor and reward to have one bestowed upon you, but it's hollow if the practicioner can't back it up.
BJJ lineage is a good tool to keep the fraudsters out of the sport.
Not quite sure what a fraudster is, but if he/she can hang with the best, more power to them. I don't care where they train.
Not quite sure what a fraudster is, but if he/she can hang with the best, more power to them. I don't care where they train.

someone that claim to be a BB in BJJ and charge a lot of money for it.
Its been mentioned before, but I think of lineage as style or method.
I'm also a mutt when it comes to pure descent, but I've been fortunate enough to have Renzo, Soneca, Saulo and Paragon black belts around to help me out.
It can be hard having to cherry pick from everyone, but I enjoy crafting my own style.
Not quite sure what a fraudster is, but if he/she can hang with the best, more power to them. I don't care where they train.

The problem is, when you are a new student going to sign up at a school, you don't know if the person can hang with the best, and likely won't find out whether they can or not, unless they are active competitors.

Before I signed up at my current academy, I almost signed up for a bjj program at a competing school. The guy claimed he was a "Gracie black belt" but didn't say which one, and never verified his lineage. Whereas I noticed my current instructor said he was a black belt under Renzo Gracie, and a quick Internet search was able to verify that. Sure enough, that first guy turned out to be a total fraud and was exposed for it about a year later. If not for lineage, I would have wasted a year of my time and money training with that guy.
There were a guy that posted a vid of his training on sherdog.

We told him that he was not that good and quickly asked who was his teacher (who has a shaddy lineage to say the least).

Well, after a bit of research and advice, he left the gym and found a "qualified" instructor.
I know that Jorge does majority of the promotions. But i couldn't exclude my direct instructors. They have given me way to much knowledge
The problem is, when you are a new student going to sign up at a school, you don't know if the person can hang with the best, and likely won't find out whether they can or not, unless they are active competitors.

Before I signed up at my current academy, I almost signed up for a bjj program at a competing school. The guy claimed he was a "Gracie black belt" but didn't say which one, and never verified his lineage. Whereas I noticed my current instructor said he was a black belt under Renzo Gracie, and a quick Internet search was able to verify that. Sure enough, that first guy turned out to be a total fraud and was exposed for it about a year later. If not for lineage, I would have wasted a year of my time and money training with that guy.

Exactly. There are lot of people out there who prey on unfamiliar new students. I think this is why lineage is important. It's not so students can puff up and say "I'm a _____ brown belt", etc. (although that surely happens) but it is useful to make sure that students seeking instruction can verify that someone of merit has signed off on their skill level. This is not to say that you can't be independent so to speak and have a level as good as another student from a well-recognized school. If you're legit, your lineage may have no other influence than your style or viewpoints on BJJ.
Lineage is fantastic. Like someone else said, you become a part of a family tree. You also feel a bit of pride wearing that school patch on your back, knowing what it stands for. You're welcomed in many schools with open arms as well. Its a great network.

Not only that, but its a quick stamp of approval. Unlike someone who said said lineage doesn't matter, it is more about whats left on the mats etc. This is true, but when a Rickson black belt, for example, enters the room, there's no question about him. If a Jade Smith black belt walks in... you may wonder for a moment. Just the way humans function I guess.
i could give a fuck about lineage. whats important is the skills/knowledge you possess.
George Peppard > Diego Maradonna > Ricki Lake > Kyle Maynard > Me > Jason Bourne
i could give a fuck about lineage. whats important is the skills/knowledge you possess.

But if you are looking for someone to train with, a lineage check is hella more reliable than asking them if they have skills and knowledge.