BJJ has improved all of our lives! Lets hear your experience!

It keeps my mind alive. There seems to be a never-ending supply of "Eureka!" moments, where you realise that "I can transition from position A to B if I...", or "submission C is possible from position A if I turn by body this way and...".

These moments of self-discovery get me through the working day.
- lost 50-60lbs.

- quit smoking, drinking and wilding.

- healthier role model for my children.

- raised $1300 for charity through a tournament last weekend.

- made friends with people I would otherwise never meet.

- gained instant access to friends and culture when visiting places like Brazil, Hawaii, Copenhagen.

Nice bro!
These stories are all awesome. Seems everyone has become healthier through BJJ.
BJJ has infiltrated my mind to a degree that I can't even comprehend...

the tactics and strategies that I absorb are universally applicable in life. concepts like making yourself invincible before mounting an attack, allowing an opponent to make a mistake and not interrupting them while they are doing so, sucking it up after a bad experience and learning from it and moving on, "riding" an overwhelming force rather than fighting against it, developing a healthy respect for both hard work and natural talent, recognizing the moment of truth when you should go for the kill, I could go on.

I can't tell you how many times I find myself in a real life situation that has nothing to do with fighting or grappling, and I think to myself "wait.. this is just like jiu-jitsu" I read Sun Tzu's Art of War years ago but I think now I'm actually starting to understand it.

its great for my health, its highly thereapeutic, and it teaches me about myself and the world. might sound silly, but its totally true

oh yeah, it's also given me a huge boost in fighting skills
i'm always sore from rolling and i have a torn meniscus. I saved money by switching to geico, to off set bjj fees... i guess it has improved my life
Jiu jitsu has given me lots of things. Empty wallet, two bad knees, one crackly elbow, one crackly shoulder, and two cases of MRSA.

Jiu jitsu hasn't changed my life persay, but I enjoy it. And as I have said before, I think it is a necessary. I think a man should be tough. And what better way to be tougher than the general population than to constantly expose yourself to tough situations and fight out of them.

A man should be a man. And have a atleast a basic ability to protect himself and those that rely on him for protection...wife..girlfriend..children.
Living and breathing Jiu-Jitsu has enhanced my life. Not to sound strange but it gives me peace and serenity. :D
lost 50-60 pounds, plus my ass-getting has improved 1000%
It's a good outlet for my energy, it helps me control my anger, got me way more flexible, and all around more confidence.

Also, it may sound stupid but BJJ helped me learn how to drive a manual transmission car. I just broke down the steps for driving the same way I would with any move. I was surprised how fast I learned.
my ears are ugly, my knees are damaged, my neck gets all red and bruised, both elbows have been dislocated and I tend to bleed a lot.

But I love it.
It has definatly made me a lot more happy and just improved my outlook on life altogether.I have gone through some very though things! But having BJJ almost every day of the week really gets your mind off anything and the fun and friends gained in the gym also:D. It also gives me constant goals and ambition to achieve accolades in the sport.

Brazilian Jiujitsu is my life! :D