BJJ black belt arrested for Dog fighting

What a cunt. I hope he gets his ass turned out in jail
This is the same guy who used to post on other forums about his dogfighting experiences under his official pro fighter name.

swiftnhbfighter - The rules across the world are the same. You might have a change here and there but nothing major. The underground world of dog use to be very well organized. It was a long thread so without going back and finding every little detail he was wrong about I'm not interested In doing that but a few of the major wrongs were..... The dogs have 10 seconds to complete their scratch not 20 seconds. You only have to scratch to win if both dogs are out of hold for 60 seconds. He said that if one dog doesn't scratch the other has to scratch to win not true. He also said dogs do the most damage from the shake that's not true. Shaking will rip and tear but pressure biting is the most damaging to a dog.

swiftnhbfighter - If there's anything you want to know. I'm an expert in that field. I was a terrible conditioner but I was one of the best handlers in the world.

WTF. This asshole casually posts about dogfighting like he's talking about baseball. Forcing dogs to kill each other and he's proud of it.

Guess the BJJ "douchebag filter" failed on this one. Just a momentary lapse, I'm sure. :rolleyes:
Two unrelated incidents on one forum? That's not a coincidence, that's a definite trend. This proves once and for all that all BJJ blackbelts are scum. There can be no other conclusion especially when you consider that not a single person in any other sport has ever broken the law.