"Bisping 10-7'd himself"

I had some stupid people harassing me with stupid thoughts after I criticized Bisping in the other 10-7 thread. I wonder if they'll be just as stupid in this one.
Ping would probably shovel Dana’s driveway
Jones definitely would
he can't defend his actions

That is his defense. Just say "look guys, in my defense, I'm a whore". I think we can all respect that honesty, and it doesn't really tarnish his commentary role because we all knew that already.
Bisping manages to be much more annoying and slimy than Ariel is. and thats one hell of an accomplishment.
guy went from being an outright douche to a more subtle douche
That is his defense. Just say "look guys, in my defense, I'm a whore". I think we can all respect that honesty, and it doesn't really tarnish his commentary role because we all knew that already.
He said it was a joke but it wasn't a joke and he made it seem like Ariel is at fault for calling him out but he isn't.

I'm a big Bisping fan, and generally like him more than Ariel. But I don't think he's been honest at all here.
Pretty immature opinion to dog on Bisping for being a company man.

He had a rough up bringing, he had very little. From TUF, the UFC and Dana have always been good to him and changed his life in an extremely positive direction. Of course he loves the company and Dana, he's appreciative.
Pretty immature opinion to dog on Bisping for being a company man.

He had a rough up bringing, he had very little. From TUF, the UFC and Dana have always been good to him and changed his life in an extremely positive direction. Of course he loves the company and Dana, he's appreciative.
Appreciative doesn’t mean you shit on other people and dig in on their profession. Cope more.
Pretty immature opinion to dog on Bisping for being a company man.

He had a rough up bringing, he had very little. From TUF, the UFC and Dana have always been good to him and changed his life in an extremely positive direction. Of course he loves the company and Dana, he's appreciative.
True, but doesn't mean he needs to shit on Dana's personal enemies just because he likes what the company has done for him.

Nothing wrong with maintaining personal integrity while also being appreciative of those who've given you opportunities. In most cases, the ppl who gave you opportunities will respect you more if they find they can't buy your personal integrity.
Bisping screwed himself here. It IS the business of Ariel to find and break news of the biggest events in the sport. Michael comes off as the village idiot. Given what Ariel said about his past with Bisping and how Bisping benefited from Ariel knowing about the Wediman injury, and Ariel promoting Bisping's book + movies on his show then this looks like shitty turn of character.

I thought Mike looked like an idiot when he first spoke on this. Sounded brainless and lost on the plot points, like the concept of journalism was over his head.

After this video, I think he sounded brainless and lost on the plot points, like the concept of journalism was over his head.
Anyone got a cliffs? I can't be arsed to listen to someone talk slower than I can read.
Put it on 1.5x or 2x speed - use the cog in the lower right hand area. Changed the way I deal with YouTube in general. I watched this (listened) on 1.75x speed while I worked.
I thought Mike looked like an idiot when he first spoke on this. Sounded brainless and lost on the plot points, like the concept of journalism was over his head.

After this video, I think he sounded brainless and lost on the plot points, like the concept of journalism was over his head.
This is the main point. Ariel does things they don't like. But that is THEIR problem. He is just doing what journos Do. They are trying to bully him out of the game. That just makes them look bad.
This is the main point. Ariel does things they don't like. But that is THEIR problem. He is just doing what journos Do. They are trying to bully him out of the game. That just makes them look bad.
Dana looks pathetic every time he goes against Ariel. Every time.

Paddy the Fad looked even worse because nobody expected him to have Dana levels of pettiness, least of all against a guy who had always been so supportive of him.

So Bisping threw his hat in the ring. And he's next to look the petty fool. Why they don't learn is beyond me.
When the nose reports somethings it best to listen up and not counter it with stupidity. He's owned everyone in that situation.
I don't even like Ariel - he rubs me the wrong way - but I respect his journalistic acumen in a game almost devoid of journalism. Every time he says something that ppl dispute, he provides receipts and they provide losses. It always goes the same. They don't learn that he does his research.

For Bisping to be saying Ariel knows nothing while Ariel is afraid he's divulging too much of what Conor appears to have personally told him..... it's laughable.

I wonder if Dana calls these guys and ASKS them to go in on Ariel specifically or if they just do that to curry favour. Either way, it's sad to be a grown man and making decisions like that.