Biggest Draw in the History of World Wrestling Entertainment: Kevin Nash

Kevin Nash does not look cool walking down the ramp looking all bow legged
back in the 96-99 run of nWo, prob 97 specifically, WCW had a house show here in town. Me and some buddies from high school were total marks, so we go, had fun.

After we're walking about a mile back to our car, hear "Those are some kick ass nWo shirts you've got on" from this Cadillac at an intersection we're crossing. barely gave it any attention until my buddy realizes it's Nash in the car.

Dude gets out of the car, shakes all our hands, stands there like ten minutes in middle of the road pretty late into the night just cool as hell. As we're talking to him Goldberg pulls up behind him and does the same thing. Was epic as hell for an 11th grade mark.

Dude had no reason to do that, we didn't even see him until he spoke, was legit just making some kids night. I always thought that was pretty cool of him.

years before camera phones though lol
Kevin Nash slapped Samoa Joe and joe did absolutely nothing about it lol
Nash was more over in WCW because they didn't try to dumb down his character after becoming a fan favourtie like WWE did to his Diesel character. That was until the Poke of Death ruined everything and the numbers started to drop.