Bigfoot Silva mad at critics, gives out ATT's address so they can fight him


Black Belt
Nov 18, 2015
Reaction score
On his instagram earlier today:

A lot of people think that because we're famous we don't have feelings nor do we want to respond... I'll be very open and transparent to lots of shitty brazillians. This is why our country is in misery, because of lack of education, culture and antipatriotism. I want those who are jealous for not achieving their goals and success in life, who find it easier to sit their asses in front of the computer and bash others who work hard and overcome pain, exhaustion and disease to achieve success. I want you all to go fuck yourselves. Go sit your ass in a big mandioca and if you're angry about it as you are in front of the computer, I train mondays through saturdays in american top team "5750 FL-7 - Coconut Creek, Florida 33073" this is the address and don't forget to bring your mouthpiece, gloves and shinguard... I thank those who recognize the work of a professional with my heart, and I'm sorry for lashing out and lacking education to those of you who like MMA or any other sport and recognise that a professional athlete doesn't live off of wins alone. Nobody wants to lose but we make our plans and God has other plans..."

Idiot brazilians hurting bigfoot's feelings on social media. What a shame. Brazilian fans are indeed the worst but I wish our athletes didn't read all that crap. It doesn't help them at all. When Aldo lost to Mcgregor his coach Pederneiras said something very similar about the comments on social media hurting Aldo. Brazil has never done anything to help these athletes and they don't get support from fans when they need it. It's a fucking disgrace.
Brazil lacks patriotism? If Bugfoot thinks those lunatics at UFC events are antipatriotic, I'm disturbed at the thought of what he'd consider patriotic.

Great quote.
I read that in my mind in a brazillian hipster voice
Just goes to show every country/culture has pathetic assholes who kick athletes when they're down.

Is normal.
brazilians are assholes. they're patriotic when they boo the opposition and chant they're gonna die. when their fighter lose, they proceed on hating the fighter. it's a lot of garbage.

I can't stand the disrespect they show foreign fighters, since those guys are there to put on a show for them, but as far as shitting on their own when they lose, that seems to happen a lot with fighters from all over the world. I've seen British people complain about it with regards to their athletes, I saw Irish people complain about it when Conor lost to doesn't seem to be unique to Brazilians.
Bigfoot is the most emotional guy I have ever seen.

Specially for talking shit about others, from I remember he talked shit about barnett and overeem.
I don't think it's just a Brazilian thing, but I applaud Bigfoot for speaking his mind.

These guys works their asses off and put their bodies through hell, they deserve more respect than they get from the public.
Oh no, Bigfoots feels got hurt and so now he wants to fight everyone. I think everyone's got a pretty good shot against Bigfoots.
Poor Bigfoot. Shouldn't pay attention to the cunts who have zero respect.

Great quote.

Cool quote but his lamp was switched I don;t get it.

Respect to Bigfoot though for going out there and trying. He had a good career until right after the Hunt fight.

They should have let Bigfoot keep using TRT (because of his medical condition)
GET THAT BOY SOME TRT ASAP! We should have noticed the warning signs starting with the neckbeard. Hopefully it isn't to late to save him.
I feel for him, but he shouldn't be telling people the address he trains at; at least half the fans could knock him out at this point.