Elections Biden on Pace to Blowout Trump

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https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/24/...tion=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

Trump losing ground among Republicans.

“Mr. Biden leads Mr. Trump by enormous margins with black and Hispanic voters, and women and young people appear on track to choose Mr. Biden by an even wider margin than they favored Hillary Clinton over Mr. Trump in 2016. But the former vice president has also drawn even with Mr. Trump among male voters, whites and people in middle age and older — groups that have typically been the backbones of Republican electoral success, including Mr. Trump’s in 2016.”

End the nightmare. Fuck this tomato can president.
the odds have definitely shifted over the past few weeks. Biden as low as -200 on some books. but, part of that is because biden has been (seemingly, for the moment) solidified as the democratic candidate, as there was previous uncertainty as to whether he would be pulled via money in the bank.

as usual, this will come down to swing states. national polling isnt the best measure.
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/24/us/politics/trump-biden-poll-nyt-upshot-siena-college.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

Trump losing ground among Republicans.

“Mr. Biden leads Mr. Trump by enormous margins with black and Hispanic voters, and women and young people appear on track to choose Mr. Biden by an even wider margin than they favored Hillary Clinton over Mr. Trump in 2016. But the former vice president has also drawn even with Mr. Trump among male voters, whites and people in middle age and older — groups that have typically been the backbones of Republican electoral success, including Mr. Trump’s in 2016.”

End the nightmare. Fuck this tomato can president.

Lol. You guys still don't understand how the electoral college works? Demographics don't get you elected. Getting states gets you elected. Stop polling Latino voters living in LA county and going around celebrating your landslide victory.
End the nightmare. Fuck this tomato can president.

End the nightmare? Things will not be any better under Biden. Leftist identity politics and cancel culture foolishness is only going to get worse under Biden. This shit was getting bad with Obama as president and Biden is certainly not going to make things better. If anything, it will get worse with the democrats encouraging the idiots.

The problem is not Trump. It is radical leftist ideology infiltrating everything and the democrats support and encourage it.
I don't know about the polls, but his rally the other day was one of the strangest things I've ever witnessed from a sitting President. Granted, I've never seen any of his other rallies, so maybe they've always been that bizarre. But I have serious questions for anybody who could watch a performance that strange, detached, and self-absorbed, and come away thinking the man should be leading anything at all, let alone a country. I'm not using those terms lightly, it really was a very bizarre thing to watch. His behavior is unlike anything I've ever seen from a grown man in a position of influence.

Exclusive: Dozens of Republican former U.S. national security officials to back Biden

They will argue that another four years of a Trump presidency would endanger U.S. national security and that Republican voters should view Biden as the better choice despite policy differences, the sources said.
End the nightmare? I don't think things will be any better under Biden. Leftist identity politics and cancel culture foolishness is only going to get worse under Biden. This shit was getting bad with Obama as president and Biden is certainly not going to make things better. If anything, it will get worse with the democrats encouraging the idiots.
Yeah I see caving into leftist Marxist anti racism religion as making it the official religion of the country. It will embolden them and bring about the Maoist revolution
End the nightmare? I don't think things will be any better under Biden. Leftist identity politics and cancel culture foolishness is only going to get worse under Biden. This shit was getting bad with Obama as president and Biden is certainly not going to make things better. If anything, it will get worse with the democrats encouraging the idiots.

Normally, this would all disappear a week after the election. In this case, when Trump wins leftists will throw their two month temper tantrum, and then it will all disappear.

What you’re seeing right now, is Democrat politics 101.
the odds have definitely shifted over the past few weeks. Biden as low as -200 on some books. but, part of that is because biden has been (seemingly, for the moment) solidified as the democratic candidate, as there was previous uncertainty as to whether he would be pulled via money in the bank.

as usual, this will come down to swing states. national polling isnt the best measure.
Literally all of the polling has to do with Trump, not Biden. People watch Trump "lead", that's why he will lose and in incredibly lopsided fashion.

Will be interesting to see what Trump will do in his flailing last months. No doubt there will be some wild shit he tries.
End the nightmare? Things will not be any better under Biden. Leftist identity politics and cancel culture foolishness is only going to get worse under Biden. This shit was getting bad with Obama as president and Biden is certainly not going to make things better. If anything, it will get worse with the democrats encouraging the idiots.

The problem is not Trump. It is radical leftist ideology infiltrating everything and the democrats support and encourage it.

"Identity politics and cancel culture foolishness" only got worse under Trump, in case you did not notice. He has done absolutely nothing to make the situation any better because he is entirely devoid of leadership skills or the ability to facilitate thoughtful discussion.

This idea that the way to combat the issues we currently face is to insert a man with no ability to lead, unite, or even engage in reasonable discussion is a million miles from sensible.

Yet for some reason, this absurd notion that Trump is a solution continues to be floated. Most of us already knew that it would be a disaster, that much was obvious. But at this point, there is absolutely no reasonable argument for Trump's effectiveness in that regard.
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