Best time of day to get fat intake?


Blue Belt
Nov 29, 2003
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When is the best time to of the day to get your fat intake? Like if I were to use Olive Oil, would it better be used for lunch or at dinner?

Between lunch and dinner, it depends on how close to your workout lunch is, but usually I'd say lunch.
When you are hungry. You should have some fat at every meal.
Duncon76 said:
When you are hungry. You should have some fat at every meal.
I don't agree with this. Everybody agrees that postworkout is not an optimal time for fat: from the hippest T-Nation columnist to the stodgiest university RD.

You should have fat at all your meals, but they should be reduced pre and post workout. Breakfast should be the heartiest meal of the day.
Madmick said:
I don't agree with this. Everybody agrees that postworkout is not an optimal time for fat: from the hippest T-Nation columnist to the stodgiest university RD.

do you know what the reasoning behind this is?
i thought the body didnt handle fat early in the morning...hence the P+C meals in the morning and P+F meals at night..?