Social Ben Shapiro vs Destiny Debate: Politics, Jan 6, Israel, Ukraine & Wokeism | Lex Fridman Podcast


Red Belt
Jun 30, 2022
Reaction score

Just started watching. Read the comments and this supposedly was a decent and respectful debate.

Actually interested in checking this out.

Would be more interesting if Shapiro was actually who he pretends to be - a principled conservative intellect. When in reality, for all his education and all of his pretense, he is just another reactionary who will switch up his views to whatever suits him most in the moment.
Vs Destiny?

What is he gonna bitch and cry about how he failed as a screen writter despite his parents having a leg in for him to hollywood, so he had to become an outrage producer?

Damn you Destiny!
Shapiro has completely humiliated himself since October. He's a joke now
Shapiro has no real beliefs or convictions outside of advancing Israeli and Jewish interests
Who the fuck is Destiny?
A well-read/informed fast talking liberal reactionary. Made his name originally in e-sports years ago. Shifted to political and social commentary, where he goes back and forth from opposing the left and opposing the right. Like Shapiro, he doesn't really believe in anything. His politics are entirely spite based and he focuses on whoever is annoying him at the moment.
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