Beards, Barbells, and Beer

Wed April 17, 2019


5 minute warm-up on the treadmill then ran 5k in 33:01. Average HR was 130. This run felt harder than it actually was. My HR was pretty good but my legs felt heavy.

Chin medley: 10 minutes.
How's your beer game been lately Dr? I've had decent spells - my girlfriend got me a nice selection pack of stouts / porters for my birthday, and on Friday I went to the Wadworth brewery tour in Devizes, Wiltshire, where we got to sample 7 of their beers, accompanied by a steak and ale pie. That was a good day.
How's your beer game been lately Dr? I've had decent spells - my girlfriend got me a nice selection pack of stouts / porters for my birthday, and on Friday I went to the Wadworth brewery tour in Devizes, Wiltshire, where we got to sample 7 of their beers, accompanied by a steak and ale pie. That was a good day.

Completely non-existent this year. I've been sick so many times and just tired in general that I think the only beer I've had in 2019 has been after hockey games. I had some Christmas beers from Railway Brewery back in December that were okay...

Cranberry Lager - A basic lager, not much cranberry. taste
Twice Checked Porter - A cherry porter. Pretty mild. I've had some great porters and cherry stouts and this was okay but not the best.
Express India Pale Lager - Basically a weaker, more bland IPA.

A brewery tour followed by steak and ale pie sounds like a good day. I used to be up on all the new breweries in Toronto but more keep popping up and I can't keep up. Too much beer is a good problem to have though.
April 18, 2019

C2 rower, dynamic stretching

- Deadlifts

Decided to go a bit heavier since 255 felt easy. 315 wasn't too bad but I could feel it in my back. I definitely need to work back pu to the heavier weights to let my core catch up to my legs.

- DB Press

Facepulls: 3x15 with 17.5 lb
Wed April 24, 2019


Did 35 minutes of incline walking on the treadmill. Climbed 350m. The info I have is that the hill where I'm doing the Spartan Sprint ranges from 70-100m of elevation so somewhere from 350-500m total for the 5 times going up and down. Anyway, did a bit of running toward the end at full incline (15') and 5.0mph. Tough. Fitbit said my average HR was 124 but for the first 10 minute it was registering my HR at under 100 BPM which was totally wrong. For some reason when I walk the HR monitor doesn't work very well. During runs and lifting it's fine. Not that important really.

Chin medley: 8 minutes. Sometime in the next month I'm going to try a max set of chins. Last year I believe my max was 8 so hopefully I can still do that. I feel like my chins are at least as strong as last year despite carrying an extra 5-8 lb. Easter definitely didn't help with dropping a few pounds. I gotta stop making excuses and just knuckle down for the next 6 weeks.
Sun April 28, 2019

A rare basement workout. Did some dynamic stretching and then supersetted DB press, DB rows, and DB front squat with about 60 seconds rest. Worked up to 20 lb for the press, 25 lb for the rows and squats. Did 3 warm-up sets and then 5 work sets.

Press was giving a good pump. Rows were easy. Squats were harder than I thought they would be and my legs are feeling it now, lol. They weren't heavy but obviously my legs aren't used to full ROM squats anymore.

6 weeks until the Spartan Sprint so I need to get in as many workouts as possible
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Mon April 29, 2019


5 minute warm-up then ran 5k in 32:17. Average HR 133. Had some DOMS in my legs from yesterday but actually felt pretty good running.
Wed May 1, 2019


10 minute warm-up, ramping up to my usual 5k speed then 25 minutes of 1 minute intervals. 8.2 on, 3.1 off. Average HR 131, peaked at around 150 during the "on" intervals. For the last interval I increased the incline and peaked at 160 BPM.
Big news, my twin girls decided to arrive back on May 8, basically a full trimester early. They are doing well for their young age but will have to stay in the NICU until around their original due date in August. As a result my plans have majorly changed. I won't be able to do the Spartan Sprint in June and I will only be in the office 3 days/week. I'm going to switch my focus back to lifting, as much/little as I can. I'm also signed up for the Tough Mudder in September but I already figured that was off the table.

May 23, 2019

C2 rower, dynamic stretching

- Squats

Felt fine but kept the weight low to try to avoid as much DOMS as possible

- DB Bench

- Chins: (1/2) / 9 sets of 3 (30 total)

Probably going to be sore tomorrow!
Hey thanks, for posting the 2018 Toronto Sprint map. Was looking for it and stumbled into here. Taking from the last post i won't see you there on Saturday but you've got more important things to do. Congrats, hope everyone is doing well
Hey thanks, for posting the 2018 Toronto Sprint map. Was looking for it and stumbled into here. Taking from the last post i won't see you there on Saturday but you've got more important things to do. Congrats, hope everyone is doing well

Whoa Standard, there's a blast from the past. Yeah I was signed up for the Spartan Sprint but obviously didn't go. I was gonna try to sell my ticket but they offer so many deals I didn't see why anyone would buy it from me so didn't bother. I got a great deal on the full Tough Mudder in the Fall so I can probably sell it and get my money back for that one.

How did the race go? It was a beautiful morning for it. Cloudy and warm but not too hot. I'm hoping that our home-life is stable enough by next Spring so I can give the Sprint another go.

Thankfully the twins are doing well. The only issue has been blood sugar (too low) but it is easy for the medical team to handle and they are stable now. Breathing and lung development is good and they are putting on weight (both over 3 lb now) so now it's just a matter of waiting for them to get bigger and start learning to breastfeed.
As long as they are developing and putting on weight that's the important thing.

Races were good, ended up a bit short of my placement goal as i wanted to hit top 10 in age group but was i think 15th in the Sprint and 16th in the Super. Not a complete loss though, i did the Sprint in 55 min and the Super in 2:05 which was a massive improvement vs the same races in 2018. I'm registered for both races in Ottawa and 3 in Duntroon so i've got 5 more chances to qualify and both areas favour me more than the Toronto course
A few weeks ago my twins were moved to smaller hospital closer to home and now one of them is coming home today. The other should be home by the end of the weekend assuming nothing happens over the next few days. Their original due date was this Sunday so they are right on schedule. One is about 8 lb and the other is 7.5 lb so they are big a strong.

I also start 2 months of paternity leave on Friday which will be awesome. This journey has been exhausting and it will be great to not have to worry about work and be able to focus on family for a while. I'm sure the time will fly by.
Holy shit my paternity leave is over and I'm back at work! And made it to the gym exactly 5 months after my last trip. How about that?

So yeah I've been completely inactive and not eating that great so I'm super weak and my weight is up to 210 lb. My goal for the rest of the year is to get back to the gym regularly (2-3 times/week) and get my weight back under 200.

Wed Oct 23, 2019

5 minutes on treadmill, 5 minutes on C2 rower, dynamic stretching

- Squats

Just moving my legs and trying to avoid crazy DOMS in the morning. Form felt okay, some muscle memory there still.

- Chins: Did 10 with 20-30 seconds between each rep. These felt weak, ugh.

- Push-ups: 5x5
- Rear delt flie: 4x15, 5 lb

Then 10 more minutes on the treadmill.
Mon Oct 28, 2019

treadmill, C2, dynamic stretching

- Squats

Felt pretty good. Gonna jump lb/week for a while


Used plates for the warm-up sets and then the empty bar. Weaaaaak.

- Chins: 1, 10 sets of 2. Last few sets were a bit tough. Definitely won't hit 10 sets of 3 next time.

- Facepulls: 3x15, 12.5 lb

Plan now is to do linear progression for everything. Hopefully I'll squat twice one week, then squat/dead the next week. Lots of chins, probably alternatei OHP and bench.
noob gains FTW!

Tues Oct 29, 2019

Treadmill: 5 minute walking warm-up, jogged for 25 minutes, 5 minute walking cooldown.

Did the jog at 4.4-4.6 mph which I thought would be a nice easy pace but alas no, I am very out of shape. Average HR was around 130 which is the low end of where I used to keep my HR while jogging at 5.5+ mph. 5 months off and putting on 15ish pounds will do that to a guy. Next week I'll do 5k and see if I can manage it in under 40 minutes
Thurs Oct 31, 2019

Treadmill, C2, dynamic stretching

- Squats

Felt.good. I watched a video about keeping your chest up and thoracic spine tight so I really focused on that. I figured now is the time to focus on dialing in my form.

The bad news is that Thursday night I knelt on the floor by my couch to change my daughter's diaper and something shifted in my right knee. It's been sore and stuff ever since. Getting old sucks. It feels better today so hopefully it's gone by Tuesday when I'll probably lift again.

- Dips: 11 singles.

- Chin medley: 5 minutes. Didn't have time for the usual 10 sets so just messed around with grip transfers, uneven chins etc
Wed Nov 6, 2019

Treadmill , dynamic stretching

- Squats

Did a bit of extra warm up and my knee felt okay. It's feels fine today so whatever I did to it was short term

Chins: 1/2 3/3/3/2/2/2/2/1/1/1
Dips: 1/10 sets of 2

Suoersetted the chins/dips and was really struggling with the chins today

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