Awesome choke series from Seph Smith

How do you deal with the opponents arm coming up too high. It works fine if the arm is below the chin, but I have a lot of trouble finishing it if the arm is high (covering his ear).

I tried to move it back with my head, but that doesn't really work if he is resisting.

It sucks because Ryan + Seph make it look so easy. Then I go try it out and can't get it to work...

If you're putting pressure on the shoulder, this shouldn't matter. If anything, having the arm high opens his elbow, exposing him further to having his shoulder rolled into his neck.
If you're putting pressure on the shoulder, this shouldn't matter. If anything, having the arm high opens his elbow, exposing him further to having his shoulder rolled into his neck.

Very correct.
If you're putting pressure on the shoulder, this shouldn't matter. If anything, having the arm high opens his elbow, exposing him further to having his shoulder rolled into his neck.

Shemhazai spot on like usual. Try not to even worry about their arm. You could actually do any leg or arm triangle if their arm was missing from right below their shoulder. it might be easier to escape for them, but the shoulder is all that matters. That's why you hear so many good leg triangle chokers say that it doesn't matter if you pull their arm across in various leg triangles.

Same with all of your arm triangles. In any side choke, brabo/darce, ezekiel, whatever it is, just focus on rolling.dropping their shoulder into the side of their neck, and you'll be good. When Ryan Hall and Seph Smith show troubleshooting defenses against all the various arm triangles on that dvd set, they cover the telephone defense you're talking about, and they basically just day to focus on the shoulder and you'll choke right through it.
How do you deal with the opponents arm coming up too high. It works fine if the arm is below the chin, but I have a lot of trouble finishing it if the arm is high (covering his ear).

I tried to move it back with my head, but that doesn't really work if he is resisting.

It sucks because Ryan + Seph make it look so easy. Then I go try it out and can't get it to work...

There is a cool shoulder crank I use when this happens, looks funky but works a lot. If my right ear is closest to your arm I will use my left hand to come over and grab your wrist to rotate it away from your head with your fingers skimming the mat. My head keeps pressure on your shoulder to keep it isolated as I pull the wrist. A lot of times they feel the pressure and pull their arm back which helps tighten the head and arm choke.
Shemhazai spot on like usual. Try not to even worry about their arm. You could actually do any leg or arm triangle if their arm was missing from right below their shoulder. it might be easier to escape for them, but the shoulder is all that matters. That's why you hear so many good leg triangle chokers say that it doesn't matter if you pull their arm across in various leg triangles.

I'll take it one step further and say that you don't even really need a shoulder at all to do any leg or arm triangle. If you can lock it tight without a shoulder, that's all you need. The shoulder just makes it a little easier to lock things tightly with pressure. It is a space filler. It could be a fist, and it'd have the same effect. Sometimes you don't even need any filler at all.

The fact that you don't truly need any shoulder at all is one of my favorite things to demonstrate in person. Armless triangle is one of my little secret moves.