I was at the grocery store over the summer and one cart lady had been pushing the carts in the sun and she was in great shape and had a nice tan. I pulled the car up next to her and asked her out on a whim. She seemed really happy I did this and told me even though she was seeing someone she gave me her number and we could go out as "friends." I cant describe how flattered she was.She told me that she was super excited. I go home, pleasure myself and realize how there is no way Im taking out the cart lady. She is weird, old and I dont want to be seen with her. The heat that day was messing with my hormones. I see her now at the grocerey store. Everytime I see her she looks insanely depressed when she sees me and wont look at me because of me never calling. It is to the point where Im acting like a ninja trying to avoid this haggard cart pusher around Kroger. Anyone ever ruin a place they frequent over a woman?