Social Australia - we are full and don't want more migrants

ANU is a pretty credible University and it is clear this poll wasn't about bashing foreigners or locking everyone out of the country. It shows pretty what most of us are thinking in that it immigration should be discussed and agreed to to before the govt just brings in 2.5 million people in 8 years without a proper plan or strategy:

"Support among Australians for a growing population is crumbling amid fears of overcrowded cities and homes priced out of the reach of ordinary people

Over the past year, the nation's population has grown by 390,500 of which 61 per cent was from net overseas migration.

But with growing public concern about Australia's immigration intake, the government is considering a reduction in the current cap of 190,000. The planned intake for the 2019-20 financial year, to be set in the April budget, is expected to be closer to 160,000.

It appears much of the drop in support for more Australians has been driven by issues in our major cities which have largely absorbed the 2.5 million increase in the nation's population since 2010.

Almost nine out of 10 surveyed agreed that the high cost of housing was a reason to limit Australia's population growth. Eighty-five per cent also believed the nation's cities were over-crowded and there was too much traffic.

He said there was substantially more support for migration on the grounds of broadening Australia's cultural diversity, almost double the rate for those who believed the nation was already too culturally diverse."
Sell the extras to Soros so he can put them in shipping containers on a freighter and send them to Honduras in a jiffy.
Oh.. Were they not allowed to be around shooting arrows at the bad whites while the whites built the hospital's they can now have their children in?

The Aboriginee never had bow and arrow technology.... Lmao