Attorney dad throws playboy party for daughter

Actually there is no federal drinking age in the U.S. The age someone is legally allowed to drink is determined by the state.

However, the federal government did force the states' hands by threatening to not give the state any money for highways if they didn't do what the federal government wanted.

It was basically one of the biggest examples in history of the federal government trampling on states rights but nobody really brings it up.

I'm not American, but I thought there was a federal law that prohibited purchase and possession of alcohol under the age of 21. I've heard there are different policies in different states in terms of consumption in private, but I thought the purchase and possession age has to be 21 as per federal law. Again, I'm not American so I could be mistaken.

Edit: you're right according to my quick wikipedia research
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Pic of the daughter (LA 1, Boise Dime):

What a dumbass dad. It's sad how some kids never grow up with a good father.
Drinking age should be 18 but the father was a dumb ass.
My daughter turns 18 this year. Any suggestions for her party?
My daughter turns 18 this year. Any suggestions for her party?

Get her a Bus pass and tell her to get to work, or get out of the house.

Or, ship her off to college, if you can afford it.