Attn: Mod Who Keeps Shutting Down Forums Without Due Cause!


Another Rash Ninja
Apr 21, 2002
Reaction score
Please have the balls to explain your actions. Someone out there is closing threads that have racial content, but their choices have been retarded because everyone on these forums (Israel forum, Olmecs forum, etc.) has ACTUALLY been behaving fairly well. This is ridiculous cencorship, this forum is going to empty out soon if you keep this bullshit up. It's unneccessary- there's nothing wrong with a little dialogue, and you need to remember that these posters came here out of the original "bare knuckle discussion" OT threads, and this pussy footing jive won't stand.

Let the boys play, and if someone gets the dubs or worse, so be it.
If you don't speak up in the beginning sooner or later they come for you.
Im scared to say something in this thread because I might get banned.
Unfortunate. It is sad that there are whole topics we can't discuss anymore.
Yet when resident racists invade normal threads, claiming that black people are stupid, that black people are genetically predisposed to be criminal, calling for a new holocaust, and spreading white-pride bullshit, nothing is done whatsoever.
you know...there's another site where you don't have to worry about this.
Evil Eye Gouger said:
Yet when resident racists invade normal threads, claiming that black people are stupid, that black people are genetically predisposed to be criminal, calling for a new holocaust, and spreading white-pride bullshit, nothing is done whatsoever.
white-pride is there a thin line between supremacist and pride??
LozanoJ1985 said:
white-pride is there a thin line between supremacist and pride??

i guess it depends on the preferences of the mods
today is a free day, no banning, just look whats playing in the OT
Mark Allen said:
today is a free day, no banning, just look whats playing in the OT
its sick , im not talking about the fact that the mods arent busy but the pics taht have been posted UGH!!
I thought that when my threads got deleted, that those were just isolated cases....until I saw Bird make a thread about his getting deleted too.

My two threads dealt with race in some form or fashion, but there was no racist content what-so-ever. None of the posters were being racist either.....and if any of them were, then why not just delete the racist posts instead of my whole thread.

There was decent to good dialectics going on in both threads. One thread dealt with the New Orleans/Katrina disaster where I posted a new article that talked about stitistics on race concerning those who were affected by Katrina, and the other thread was about how Democrats were not always so positive toward African-Americans (talking about pre-1960s).

The next thing I know, they both got deleted. I made another thread asking the mods why....and no mod ever gave me an fact when Bird made his thread asking the same, no mod gave him an answer either.....this is starting to tick me off.

I'm not sure if we have mod activism going on here or if Sherdog is worried about potential racism on their boards.
If all these race threads keep on getting locked or is Depth not banned?
And now this thread has been moved to Board and Site Suggestions, where very few if anybody will see it.

And, no answer from a mod of why threads are getting deleted out of the War Room.
Oh yeah, very few if anybody...glad you think so highly of Administration. And yes they actually do read everything in here.
King Kabuki said:
Oh yeah, very few if anybody...glad you think so highly of Administration. And yes they actually do read everything in here.

I meant posters....not mods.....very few if any posters are going to see this thread now that it has been moved here....

And no mod has anwered the threadstarters question, or mine, or Birds (when both of us asked the questoin a little while back) right now, I don't think very highly of the Admin. They may read the thread, but who cares....they aren't answering a vital question.....why do they keep deleting threads that have no racism in them and seemingly no other Sherdog violations......Mods not answering this question makes me think there is mod activism going on here....which isn't good.
Geeze, oh yeah there's a HUGE Mod conspiracy to keep the Internet Poster DOWN! lol I mean some people have slightly more important things, perhaps whichever Mod (I don't Moderate General Discussion so this doesn't apply directly to me) did the action in-question had something more important come up than sit around and wait for the backlash of the decision. Sometimes when I make a decision to edit something I have to go to work, or train right after. So the chips must fall where they may.

Or it could be possible that this thread particularly was moved here BECAUSE this is Administration's Forum, and rather than sit there and argue with you...the Moderator would rather let Administration see the objections and make a decision. Because afterall we answer to Administration, not the posters. Perhaps said conspiring Moderator actually gives a crap that this issue be seen by the Powers that Be. What a Nazi eh?

If you're going to deliberate this at-least deliberate it from both sides of the coin.