Att all BJJ police

Ok. attention all people that roll with me in competition. Please listen, study and follow this mans technique down to a T. =)
Do me a favor, stop converting sherdog content into content on your gay site and spamming.

What's sad is, that's probably 70% of bjj instruction out there. At least 5 years ago anyone who taught actually knew what was going on, now everyone thinks their a grappling master
#7 (permalink)
Brooklyn BJJ

White Belt

Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 140
Status: Brooklyn BJJ is online now

Do me a favor, stop converting sherdog content into content on your gay site and spamming.


I guess you dont read all my post , cause I post shit from differnt sites, besides what do you post??and by the way quit reading my post thanks. and you aint from broklyn. punk
Yea, it's true back in the day most of the people teaching BJJ were from brazil know you got guys that go to one seminar and then all of a suddn they have 100 students claiming they are learning BJJ or MMA when in reality they are learning junk
didnt know it was already posted, but man that dude sucks

liar. You knew it was posted. I calculate a 0% chance of you randomly finding the video the same day just after the other guy posted it here.

I'm going to call the BJJ police on you.