At what stage do you eat a banana?

TS holds his bananas with both
hands as he eats them.

Ot: each stage has a purpose.
7 for smoothies or bread.
5 for cereal/oatmeal.
4 for straight eating.
1 for a 30cent dildo.
5-6 once they get to 7 they go into banana bread or cookies.
If you eat 7 thats fucking gross

if there is even a spec of brown on my banana its in the trash

4-5 is alright, but getting a bit aged for my taste
6-7... I eat em with the dark spots, they're sweeter at that point and I'm not about to throw them away because they have spots on them.
If you eat 7 thats fucking gross

if there is even a spec of brown on my banana its in the trash
That's pretty crazy. It's a banana with a brown spot, not a piece of rotting fish. To each their own though, I hear you, I just think its crazy to say it's "fuckin gross".

I could picture a little kid saying that.

No offense,of course. I understand that if food doesnt appeal to you by the way it looks then it wont taste good to you.

wuss... Jk
5 is where I'm at. I hate a Brown banana but eating them that unripened seems insane but to each their own.
3-4 is perfect - 5 can be ok too sometimes

It more depends on the firmness of the banana than the color. A flimsy banana, regardless of whether it has brown yet, will usually be inferior. I the only one who's fucked a girl with a banana before? It started as a 1, and ended as a 7.
When I'm the right mix of hungry and guilty about my food choices
Personally, I hate when the banana pushes the back of my head.
After a colleague that I worked with as I was a bartender insisted on showing the banana that he called exhibit A that he scored with a fine lady the day before and that he used it where the sun usually don't shine, I don't eat bananas...