Art vs War. Shoopville vs The War Room. @bigwaverider vs @HockeyBjj

Who Wins The Final Deathmatch Round?

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#FreeLeeMurray Belt
Jan 11, 2010
Reaction score

This is, to my knowledge, the first ever faction-battle in sher-history... Someone is going to take a beating in this thread, and it won't be pretty.


We have a situation... I made a thread, in which I offered an item from my famous superstore, the Holy Grail of Internet prizes, the Shadface pillow to the victor of the last ISL competition... Now, @Arqueto won, but declined his prize - most gracious, but it left me with a spare pillow. I offered this noble bounty to whoever made the most votes. @HockeyBjj aced the vote and won by a massive landslide.


HOWEVER, this is sherdog, and nothing is ever simple... It turns out that our winner asked others to vote for him in the war room - a practice, although well within the rules of the unique shadface pillow competition, its thoroughly frowned upon in the shoop scene, meaning certain people could have played their hand differently, were preconceived ideals of sher-tegrity not withstanding.

@bigwaverider takes enormous pride in the honesty and management of sherdog shoop competitions, with good reason, they are a major feature of sherdog, and he polices them extremely closely... This competition has affected his perception of future competitions, which, believe it or not, affects sherdog on a wider level.


Things have gotten so heated with the result that to call it a done deal would be to create a resentful division... And we are nerds on a karate forum after afterall - everyone wants to see a fight at the end of the day... I have awarded @HockeyBjj his pillow, but I get free postage on a 2nd item from my on store, so, for the sake of integrity, I am offering a 2nd, secret prize of my choice to the winner.

So here it is... Luke vs Darth, Mod vs Rockers, Ice Cube vs The Po Po, Red vs Blue, Athens vs Sparta, Venus vs Mars, Love vs Hate... The War Room vs The Shoop community... A balanced competition with no obvious favourite imo.


Vote for whoever... There are no rules... I'm expecting a solid campaign from both contenders, plenty of slander, and zero adherence to any rules in previous competitions... Let's make this as dirty and despicable as possible.


Poll closes in 72 hours from this edit.

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@bigwaverider has made more allegations of election fraud than Donald Trump, Gulliani, and Kraken lady combined, yet he somehow has even less evidence than them.

There is only one honorable poster to vote for. The man who won the first time.

Me. Hockeybjj

I’m hockeybjj and I approve this message
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Not gonna lie. Not getting tagged in this hurt a little bit
Bro I'm so wasted it's amazing this thread actually happened. Without spellchecker it would be a disaster.


Apologies... Although if I had tagged anyone it would have been you considering I messaged you earlier thinking you were the winner and have been speaking to you all day about these shenanigans.

The flip side to your argument, just for the record and keeping transparency overall is that @HockeyBjj didn't do anything against the rules of the original competition, just every other competition... His win was "clean".

@bigwaverider is my boy, and I've definitely grown to like @HockeyBjj over these happenings, so I'm just keen for all facts to be relatively open before the slander really begins.

It's the War Room, Buff. You can't slander these dudes any harder than they slander themselves being regulars there.
@bigwaverider has made more allegations of election fraud than Donald Trump, Gulliani, and Kraken lady combined, yet he someone has even less evidence than them.

There is only one honorable poster to vote for. The man who won the first time.

Me. Hockeybjj

I’m hockeybjj and I approve this message

@Rebelfett @Limbo Pete