Are you friends with females you’ve never slept with?


Jul 18, 2019
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I have two female friends but I banged them both once in the past and now I just hang out with them like buddies. We’re cool.

I’m not really friends with women because they either have sex with me at least once or grow tired of warding off my advances and move on.

I’m fine with hanging out with a chick as friends if I banged her in the distant past. Watch Netflix, play video games, smoke a joint.

But a girl I’ve never slept makes me feel like a wimp. I feel like men should conquer every piece of ass that comes into their lives and then after that you Can be buddies if you want.

i have a few male friends who hang out with girls and help them move and do nice things for girls who would never have sex with them. I shudder and pray that I’ll never become like them.

Is that misogyny or what?
I have two female friends but I banged them both once in the past and now I just hang out with them like buddies. We’re cool.

I’m not really friends with women because they either have sex with me at least once or grow tired of warding off my advances and move on.

I’m fine with hanging out with a chick as friends if I banged her in the distant past. Watch Netflix, play video games, smoke a joint.

But a girl I’ve never slept makes me feel like a wimp. I feel like men should conquer every piece of ass that comes into their lives and then after that you Can be buddies if you want.

i have a few male friends who hang out with girls and help them move and do nice things for girls who would never have sex with them. I shudder and pray that I’ll never become like them.

Is that misogyny or what?
No, it isn't misogyny.

I've reached the epiphany that really apart from one friend, anyone who was attractive friend wise I slept with. We didn't because we were really sensible, but pretty much every other above attractive friend/boss/colleage I was good drinking buddies or used to go away on business with.
Yeah cuz i'm ugly lol. But in seriousness, I have a friend who I was interested in but she mentioned during discussion that she was waiting for marriage before hitting the sheets. So I ended my quest for that one. We're cool though. We talk about different shit. Other girls that I would consider to be friends with are either women I've known for years and at one point tried to smash.
Yes and now in hindsight I could of banged at least 1 of them.

Maybe in the futute
I feel like Im a better friend with the ones I banged at least once. Women love to talk about sex its actually less akward if you have been there.
Friend I've been with so many times came and in his head spent an entire day rescuing me from a guy he didn't like. He and I used have at it like rabbits but I can talk to him about everything. He wants to talk about his encounters but it's nice that he feels he can, and that I can. And as much as we love each other and sometimes may not speak for a month, we can tell each other everything when it comes to sexual encounters.
I have two female friends but I banged them both once in the past and now I just hang out with them like buddies. We’re cool.

I’m not really friends with women because they either have sex with me at least once or grow tired of warding off my advances and move on.

I’m fine with hanging out with a chick as friends if I banged her in the distant past. Watch Netflix, play video games, smoke a joint.

But a girl I’ve never slept makes me feel like a wimp. I feel like men should conquer every piece of ass that comes into their lives and then after that you Can be buddies if you want.

i have a few male friends who hang out with girls and help them move and do nice things for girls who would never have sex with them. I shudder and pray that I’ll never become like them.

Is that misogyny or what?
Yes, yes it is.
Friends? Yes. Close friends? Nope.

All my inner circle friends are male
I have two female friends but I banged them both once in the past and now I just hang out with them like buddies. We’re cool.

I’m not really friends with women because they either have sex with me at least once or grow tired of warding off my advances and move on.

I’m fine with hanging out with a chick as friends if I banged her in the distant past. Watch Netflix, play video games, smoke a joint.

But a girl I’ve never slept makes me feel like a wimp. I feel like men should conquer every piece of ass that comes into their lives and then after that you Can be buddies if you want.

i have a few male friends who hang out with girls and help them move and do nice things for girls who would never have sex with them. I shudder and pray that I’ll never become like them.

Is that misogyny or what?

Most of the female friends I have I ended up having sex with at one point or another. I do have one that I consider a good friend, but we found out we were 3rd cousins when we were in high school, so banging is off the table.
Never. once I have sex with them it gets, awkward... I actually though I was still friends with one chick after having sex, but it turns out I was wrong. I drives me ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NUTS.
Strangely enough the only chick that I have had sex with, that i still maintain some form of personal relationship with is an escort.
I have a few gal friends that I’ve went out/dinner with as a friend or drinks with friends, cause they are close friends of gal cousins & or/taken, and a couple of gals that are employed by me.
That said not close friends and careful not to put myself or them in a situation where i or we could fuck that up.

Close casual attractive gal friends that I have known for years ... not so much
My Closest gal pals that I go out with drinkin buddies/ wing men are 2 my hawt first cousins.
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No! Pre marital sex is a sin!
Women’s intelligently designed destiny is to birth children and please their man who is their one and only sexual partner.
Any deviation from this is a slight on the women’s character, and lowers her value as a person. So yes being friends with a women who you’ve had sex with and are not married to would be a no from me dog!
I have two female friends but I banged them both once in the past and now I just hang out with them like buddies. We’re cool.

I’m not really friends with women because they either have sex with me at least once or grow tired of warding off my advances and move on.

I’m fine with hanging out with a chick as friends if I banged her in the distant past. Watch Netflix, play video games, smoke a joint.

But a girl I’ve never slept makes me feel like a wimp. I feel like men should conquer every piece of ass that comes into their lives and then after that you Can be buddies if you want.

i have a few male friends who hang out with girls and help them move and do nice things for girls who would never have sex with them. I shudder and pray that I’ll never become like them.

Is that misogyny or what?

Sorry, but it looks like I'm going to be the contrarian here by saying that yes your behavior is misogynous. I've had several female friends over the course of my life that I've never tried to have sex with. Sure, if they were attractive I'd give it some thought but if I valued the friendship I didn't act on those thoughts. Women aren't just around in our lives for us to attempt to "fuck" or "smash" or "bone" them at every opportunity.

I fully understand the urge to want to have sex with every attractive woman in our lives but they have a hell of a lot more to offer us than sex. And sometimes sex isn't the end all be all to every male/female relationship. Sometimes knowing someone carnally can prevent you from ever truly knowing them as a person on a deeper level. At least in my experience.

In my past, I've given in to temptation on a couple of occasions & I moved beyond platonic friendships with women whose company I really enjoyed & by doing so it indelibly changed the dynamic of the relationships. And as a result, the friendships ended. So, I learned to keep my platonic relationships & my romantic relationships separate. It's what has worked best for me.
that's a negative chief. but i don't consider friend's wives, who i only tolerate because they are my friends wives as friends - no matter how much they want to say we are "friends".