Are they going to get dc a fight or what?


Brown Belt
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Now we all know Jon is stupid but this isn't about him anymore.

Are we getting a dc fight or are they just stalling to prevent lower buy rates? My assumption it's today or bust and were halfway through the day. And I've heard no critical rumors as many are just focusing on Jon Jones.

The ufc should always have had a backup plan for 200 it's your biggest event ever a loss of a title fight is huge...if they can't get dc on board to fight someone else they should have had silva vs hall as a backup.

Anyways if the ufc can't make this up I'll put more blame on them then the usda and Jon combined for screwing this up sure 72 hours isn't much but plenty of guys are willing to fight dc and from what i hear dc is willing to fight as well. Silva vs dc would be amazing

But i feel they're going to just bail on replacing that fight.
Dirty Jones ruins everything......Can't this fool stay clear of the medicine cabinet? Damn!
You couldn't read the thread, where the title itself said he's fighting?