Are the Caucasus people natural born wrestlers"


Brown Belt
Dec 14, 2015
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By caucasus i mean people from armenia, dagestan, georgia, kazakhstan, etc. It seems that they produce lots of good wrestlers and grapplers in general (sambo, judo, etc). I heard that even the Japanese fears the Georgians in Judo. Do you think this is a genetic thing or a cultural thing?
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i dunno lol

Some of the best wrestlers I’ve met were from Kazakhstan though.
100% cultural. Brazil will have many good fotball players because all they do is play fotball there, same goes for Caucasus. All they do is wrestle there. Genetically Slavs and Scandinavians are far more superior, but since they lack the warrior/fighter culture in the current year, you see them less in top 10 fighter lists.
Cultural. They are usually poor, bad weather places. So a sport that can be done indoors with little or no equipment, while drinking vodka makes sense. It’s not like they are going to get into beach volleyball.
Cultural. They are usually poor, bad weather places. So a sport that can be done indoors with little or no equipment, while drinking vodka makes sense. It’s not like they are going to get into beach volleyball.

Dude you have no idea what you are talking about.
All I know is had some Iranian friend named Ali who was on the wrestling team back in Iran. Dude had the strongest grip I've been around.
Mongolian culture also had a very strong wrestling tradition.
Native Americans are crazy adept at wrestling too. A lot of great wrestlers are from those midwest states and they look like they have a tan or are part Asian but it's native blood you're seeing
I wonder how deep wrestling/grappling sports actually is over there? It could just be that they have a great program, and they do everything they can for the handful of kids they do get to get them to the top. But that does not mean they are extremely deep.

Like for example, my homestate of New Jersey. We produce lots of great wrestlers (HS rules) for a tiny state. But most kids in NJ are not thinking about wrestling. They care more about FB, BBall, hockey, Baseball, even soccer, tennis blah blah blah. But we have really good wrestling programs like Blair Academy, and that props kids up and sets them on the path to achievement.

So what are most kids in the Caucasus region dreaming about? If most kids really arent into wrestling, then I dont think there is anything genetic or cultural about their success.
the cockusus love to grab huge balls so naturally they'd be better at ballgrabbing.
Most of them have the body type for wrestling short and stocky. It may also be a product of environment. When most of the girls Are hairy and unkept, you boy's seem to focus less on chasing women and focus on wrestling with their buddies.