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Arctic adventures (Lifting, grappling and eating)


Orange Belt
Dec 30, 2007
Reaction score
Welcome to my log with the ever changing title.

This is where I'll log my training be it in the gym or in the yard. Im trying to juggle lifting, grappling, "strongman" inspired training, building a house and family life and it's all kind of a organized chaos.

I favor the big lifts in the gym, sometimes actually do some assistance work also. I really have no specific goal other than get stronger and better at grappling. ATM I dont have too much time to grapple so Ill spend more time lifting. Im the guy whose always wanted to be big and strong and fast and slim at the same time, trying to cut and bulk and not really getting anywhere.

I weight 90kg (200lbs) at the moment and am 178cm tall. No Idea bout bf% and dont really care, all I know is i have it. Ive lost +15kg since I started grappling year and a half ago.

I consider my self a weak as shit considering my size, hence the training.

The metric systems is at work here, to translate kg to pounds, multiply with ~2.2

My all time best gym lifts at the left and long term goals on the right

Squat 180kg / 200kg
Deadlift 200kg / 250kg
Power clean 100kg / 150kg
Jerk 100kg / 150
Benchpress 125kg / 130kg
Weighted pull-up 40kg / 50kg
Front squat 110kg / 150kg

I have my hands full there.

Edit: I seem to have started a food diary as well... Never tought that that would happen.


deadlift 8x3x140kg
ATG squats (light) 3x10x60kg
Dumbell SOHP 4x6x20kg

Got the flu from my kids and wlushd the rest of the week down the drain. Eating has been good thou.

Yard training.

Warmd up practising the bent press and the wind mill with my 10kg barbell and the thick handel dumbell that was loaded for 25kg.

Tire (200kg) flipping mainly to get it out of my way to do the carpull with my new rope. some 10-15 reps.

Car pull hand over hand style. 5x 10meters on soft ground, up hill (slightly).
First I was cursing cos I couldnt budge it, then I and put the car on neutral, and it was much easier that way...

Rock lift and release. 3x1 the medium rock. felt heavy
2x1 the heavy rock. Almost blackd out with this one.

Walks w/weight over head. Up and down the hill with a piece of railroad track overhead.

The food

It was my day off. Wife and kids were at my inlaws.
Had a breakfast of whey shake in with a pint of whole milk and flapjacks with heavy whipcream and strawberry jam.

As a PWO I had 400g of steak, medium raw, with baked potatos and a beer.

for dinner it was chicken with curry and ginger and rise.
and a beer. Its my day off!
Today was supposed to be grappling, but I wasnt up for it. The yard stuff took its toll. So I did some restorative stuff watching a movie: (edit: Just get a good bloodflow to sore places)

No resistance/exept gravity
100reps leg extensions
100reps shoulder flyes
100reps standing calf raises
100reps foot raises (opposit of calf raise)
100reps curlz
100reps leg curls
100reps of "fisting" (squees a tight fist then open the hand fully and extend fingers as much as you can)
5x10 of ab roller, on knees nose to the floor.
5x10 of a market quality gripper

The diet was what it was, got up late (that never happens) and so forth:

Breakfast: 4 fried eggs, 2 whole wheat toasts with butter, 2 tangerines and a banana. Coffee.

Snack: cottage cheese (250g) with strawberries and blueberries.

Lunch: roastbeef sub

Snack: 4 whole wheat toasts with ham and cheese + a can of tuna.

Nowadays my diet seems to build around the idea of getting 200-250g of protein. The rest kinda follows.
Im not picky about fats but steer clear of the prosessed stuff so its butter, whole milk stuff, whole eggs, virgin olive oli and fishoil caps. Try to avoid too much carbs and mainly avoid simple sugars, I try to eat whole grain
veggies and fruits. But then again havent been really tight on that. Basically my goal is to get 1.5g/lb of protein and carbs and some 0.8-1g/lb of fat.

I found out that I restricted my eating too much and wasnt eating enough protein usually got somewhere aroun 120g's per day and over all too little calories.
Started eating more and have been trying to listen to the body about training and stuff. haave gained 2kg (was 87-88kg at lowes for years where I got stuck for months) and generally feel better. If I can keep the weight there and up my strength and grappling Ill be happy. Have one grapplng competition under my belt and that was in the -88kg's. Lost it by points.
The only problem with the weight class is that people are lot taller than me and generally stronger. So maybe I eventually drop down a weightclass or suck it up. well see.
Gym today

did the 20rep squat today with 80kg (170lb?)
Will be doing them till I get the bodyweight 20rep-
Maybe Im physically capable but not mentally.
ATG Squats


Took me three minutes to do. Was doing doubles after ten. Had to stop coughing at 12 with the barbell on my back, thank god Im still at pussy weights. Damn flu/allergy.


And that was that.

The diet:


50g of whey isolate w/water. 50g of oatmeal with 2dl's of whole milk and olive oil. A toast with butter and two eggs. Coffee.

Supps: 500mg C-vit, A multivitamine. 2g of fishoil. Calsium caps and some magnesium.

2 tangerines, a banana and 280g grilled chiken breast
with the skin.

Spagetti bolognese with 300g of ground beef and 200g of spagethi. Slice of bread with cold cuts and 2 slices of hard cheese.

250g's of cottage cheese, crushed pineapples. 2g's fishoil. 2dl's of whole milk and 2 tangerines.

adds to +200g's of protein, closer to 250.
Day off. Thou I had some active recovery at the construction site. I had order'd a load of 2nd grade pine paneling board, It weighted some 4000kg, the truck driver
who delivered it dumpd it thru my fence, broke one of the
constrictors or what the hell their called and the whole load was nicely spread on my yard. And no, I didnt pay for the freight.

So it was a nice day in the sun carrying almost 4 tons of boards to the right corner of the yard and pile it up again.

The crub:

4 eggs, scrambled. 2 slices of oat toast with cold cuts, cheese and butter. Tomatoes and cucumber. Coffee.

At work
whey shake (50g of whey w/water). An orange and a banana. 2g of fishoil

After work
Tall glass of whole milk, piece of rubarb pie and a sandwitch. (cheese, ham...)

(Took a nap here for 2 hours, that was GREAT)

2 chicken breast filee's, a cup or so of rise. Sallad with olive oil and ACV. Vitamines, calsium and 2g of fishoil.

Cottage cheese, turkish natural yougurth (10% fat, yummy) & pineapple slices. A banana and two tangerines.

Seemd to be hungry just an hour after the dinner... not enough fat I presume...
Whatever you do, don't try to get advice from takeahnase on fisting.
I'll try and remember that... But who knows, Im alway open for pointers... :icon_lol:
Submission wrestling 16.30- 18.00

Explosive suplex and double leg drills 8x2reps with partner
alternating with parter set to set with a brief breether in between.
Rolling 7x3 minutes w/1-2minute rest.
Drilling from guard, side choke to triangel.
3 minutes of "free rolling" as cooldown (roll by your self with an imaginary opponent, bridging, rolling, plane shifting etc...)

Was nice to get rolling again, its been a week since the last time due to the god damn flu. Felt strong althou legs were really sore from monday's squatting. Got a good domination on most of the guys, got a few submissions, a juji and the peruvian necktie. Was submitted once by one of the best grapplers, really light guy, but it's like were grappling in a different time zone... He sub'd me with real tight gilliotine in the end of the round. Got my arms dog tired after trying to push a few chokes for a bit too long but, overall it was a good time. Felt like I had my tank full today.

The diet:

Breakfast: 4eggs and 2 slices of oat toast w/butter, cheese and ham. A banana and a bunch of grapes.
Coffee. vitamines, calsium, 2g of fishoil.

Snack at work: 50g of whey w/water, a banana.
2g of fishoil.

After work (some 70min before grappling): 3 slices of ryubred, with butter and ham, 2dsl's of youghurt. Coffee.

At practize I drank almost litre and a half of water with one serving of powdered gatorade.

After training: Three thick slices of roastbeef with mustard, 3 medium potatos and two good slices of homemade bread, w/butter, cheese, cold cuts and cucumber. 2g of fishoil and 500mg of vit-C.

Before bed its cottage cheese and berries.
Gym time.

Did an EDT type stuff today, for just the fun of it, was a good workout

First 15 minutes

Power clean 11x1x80kg.
Good weight for this, the bar came up nicely but still made me try.

The second 15 minutes (or PR ZONE as it were...)

A1 Zercher squat from the squat rack 7x5x60kg

A2 Strickt SOHP w/dumbells 7x5x20kg per DB

Zercher's are my new love, killer core exercise! Have done em a few times but ages ago, didnt know at all what weight to pick so I stay'd at the lighter side.

DB SHOPS's were not that heavy but my crappy gym dont have a heavier pair so Im stuck with those cos' I promised myself to do them for awhile to get some change and to differently challenge the surrounding muscles....

I was sweating like a pig during the last 15 min "zone"
It was challenging, but I cant waut to do more next time. Good workout.

The diet:
Breakfast: 4eggs and two slice of toast (oat) w/butter, coffee. Multivitamine stuff and 2g of fishoil.

At work: 250g of grilled chicken breast, a banana and 2 tangerines.

Before workout: Gainomax (40g carbs, 20g prots)

PWO: 40g of whey isolate w/water and a cup of coffee.
Water (have drank a shitload todat, we have a summer hear and it has started out HOT)

Dinner: 3 thick slices of roastbeef, a cup of jasmine rise. Big sallad with olive oil and ACV. 2g of fishoil

Snack: Big Slice of rubarb pie and a tall glass of whole milk.

Thats about it folks. Befor bed 300mg of magnesium
and Im ready for grappling tomorrow.

Really liked the workout today, and also got some active recovery with the lawnmover afterwork (we have 2500m2 of lawn at our house...) .
-submisson wrestling today.

started with agility drills to warm up, then drill'd basic stuff like armbar from guard and juji from mount. Then practised shifting from a faild armbar to a new one.
Rolled for 4x4minutes staring from the mat and then 4x3 minutes starting standing up.
Jogging, stretching and core stff for cool down.

I kinda suck'd today. The yesterdays lifting session took alot of wind from me. Was subbed a few times, got a few armbars, an omeoplata and figure-4 to couple of the not so experienced guys. But was happy that I finaly managed to escape the elusive anakonda chocke that this one guy keeps sinking in me. No more.

The diet (kinda sucked too)

Breakfast: 30g of whey w/water, 2eggs and 50g of oatmeal and 2dls of whole milk, multi + calsium and 2g fishoil. coffee

Lunch: meatballs and smashed potatos, sallad and water, coffee. havent used to eating this heavy for my lunch and the food still was tickling my tongsils at the begining of grappling session, 4 hours later.

Dinner: oven cookd chiken leg with rise, veggies. a beer.

snack: two toasts, ham, cheese and tuna.

Had a chance to nap for and hour before practise, which was nice cos' the heat is getting on me, felt really weary the whole day. And the oatmeal breakfast was reaking havoc to my intestines. Its weird, if I dont eat oatmeal for a week or so my gut is all mess'd up after it. Damn fibers...
Yesterday did a quick yard stuff before we headed to the cabin.

tire pulling, standing hand over hand pulling w/rope
2,5 x 20 meters. Awfull, incredibly heavy and grip faild on the third round.

Rock lift/tire flip combo. Lift a rock inside the tire, flip the tire, lift the rock inside the tire etc.
3x3, Was a struggle.

ate the typical breakfast, alot of grilled meat at the cabin, few flapjaxks and shit load of beer.

Today was the worst breakfast ever. I had to resort to chocolate loop cereals... then it got worse, a gas-station steak and fries with coke and icecream.
At least the dinner tonight was decent. An omelet with onions, tomatos and grilled reindeer ribs.

EDIT: I take this edit as an opportunity to start an under-rated/over-rated list of things that I so find

Under-rated: Sleep
Over-rated: Drinking till sunrise.
Didn't get the change to hit the gym, so I did some bodyweight stuff while watching a movie, also walked for an hour.

Negative handstand push-ups 6x1
ATG pistols 6x1 per leg 4kg dumbel as a counterweight
Neck bridging 4x6
Windmills 3x8x4kg per side
Single leg good mornings 4x10

I probably get one heavy lifting session this week and
get grapple again on sunday so I take it as a deload.

The Food:

Breakfast: A banana, good chunk of watermelon, three eggs and toast with butter. 2g of fishoil

Snack: lowfat cottage cheese, tomatos.

Lunch: turkey filets, cook'd barley and veggies.

Snack: leftover turkey, tomato, cucumber and red peppers. 2g fishoil

Snack: cottage cheese and pineapple chunks. toast.

Probably will have something before bed

Under-rated: Walking
Over-rated: Stepfords women
Last few days have been occupied by work and kids, have veen eating clean. limited carbs with alot of veggies, fruits and protein. Confessing some dark chocolate.

Got to the gym today.

Did again an EDT type of thing.

A: Power cleans 14x1x80kg in 15 minutes thats 3 more reps than last time.

B1: ATG squats 8x3x100kg
B2: pull ups 8x3xBW

Total time spent at the gym: ~40min

This kinda training is refreshing change, feel much more focus'd and there is a real goal. As much quality work in 15minutes as possible.

My squat still sucks, Im nowhere near my best, Funny thing that squats have declined since starting grapplin 1.5 years ago when I squatted 180kg w/ wraps and belt. I pulled the same amount. After first year of grappling pulled 200kg without really training it in that time. It seems my squat needs more practice and my deadlift less. althou I trained power cleans during the time I didnt deadlift... Do I see a connection?

Today have eaten the traditional breakfast: 3 eggs and 2slice of toast w/butter, cottage cheese. 2g fishoil

Before gym I ate a banana, an orange and 40g of whey
w/ water.

while lifting I drank that infamous Gatorade.

Lunch was s soup of ground beef and various frozen vegetables, 2slice of ryubread w/butter. 2g fishoil.

Will eat ze soup stuff again for dinner and before bed some natural turkish youghurt with berries. And few pieces of that 70% dark chocolate.
Under-rated: Sweating and grunting
Over-rated: The guy who fix's my car
Seems like you're eating a lot of cottage cheese. You could also use yogurt, cucumbers with guacamole or artichoke dip, or some whole wheat tortillas with hummus if you need more calories.
It low fat stuff. I just bought a bucket of turkish youghurt that has 10% fat. Im getting a bit sick of cottage cheese actually as it is. I love tortillas, havent have one for a month or so. Need to fix that. I do a sauce with crushed tomatos, onions, dark beans and garlick. Add tabasco and ground beef...

Add todays cowder list: Watermelon (only a thick slice.... not the whole one.)

Thanks for the input
By the way is that you in your AV? Looks like somebody lost something...
Ian Coe's face is my av. That was between rounds in a fight he lost by decision.

I suggested the alternatives to the cottage cheese cause I figured you'd get sick of it real fast. The 4% milkfat stuff is good but the low/non-fat cottage cheese is gross. I don't mind the extra fat it's refined carbs you have to watch out for.