Anyone train at The Ronin in Ottawa?


White Belt
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
I am heading for University and am looking for a new school... looks like Ottawa only has the Gracie team and The Ronin. Ronin looks good and by the looks of it only like 70 bucks a month for a shitload of BJJ. Any comments or thoughts on them?
Take a look at our schedule. All the Blue, No-Gi, and Randori classes together are about the same price as Ronin.

We really do have the best schedule since we have classes running nearly all day, every day (except Sunday).
Hey akroniCa1,

Thanks for the interest.

We teach BJJ with Gi, Muay Thai, and MMA. One program is approximately between $65-$85/month and taking all three it's between $85-$105/month. Prices depend on how long you sign up for, 3, 6, or 12 months.

BJJ taught by 2 Black Belts and 2 Brown Belts. Muay Thai taught by certified Kru's.

We have beginner Muay Thai from 6-7 Mon-Thu and beginner BJJ 7-8 Mon-Thu so stop by any time and try out a couple of free classes.

All the best in training,
Ronin MMA