Social Anyone nap regularly?

What's the consensus on sleep, most here just sleep with nothing on or do people sleep with headphones on with a video or something like that playing?
Of course I sleep with nothing on, pfft clothes :rolleyes:

...I'd go to work naked if I wouldn't get arrested for it.
I sometimes nap in the afternoon after getting home from work... and then usually regret it because it screws up my sleep for that night.

I get up at 05:30 to work out and by the time I get home from a full day of work, I'm regularly pretty wrecked.
Funny fact
Never got a sunburn on my dick
That's a good thing. One of the guys I went to school with did. Passed out drinking, woke up about midday, completely naked and sunburned as shit... apparently it was so bad, he had blisters on his meat and two veg :eek:
Step 1: get old
Step 2: nap
I’m in my 50’s and am starting in on the nap phase. I see it as a transition to death. Gets you used to being dead so it won’t come as too much of a shock when it happens.
That's part of why I made this thread. I see my dad and my uncle fall asleep out of nowhere while watching tv and I wish I could do that.
That's part of why I made this thread. I see my dad and my uncle fall asleep out of nowhere while watching tv and I wish I could do that.
Your time will come once you start to decay a bit. Hang in there.
What's the consensus on sleep, most here just sleep with nothing on or do people sleep with headphones on with a video or something like that playing?

i'll sleep with either a video on, or will put on headphones and listen to ambient music. oh, and i know some people think it's bullshit, but there are some people out there who make amazing asmr videos. some of those really help me pass out.
Naps are liberals, I work 18 hours in the sun and only sleep 4 hours a night.
i'll sleep with either a video on, or will put on headphones and listen to ambient music. oh, and i know some people think it's bullshit, but there are some people out there who make amazing asmr videos. some of those really help me pass out.
WTF are ASMR videos? Is that like Ass to Mouth Recordings or some shit?
Im an insomniac so no..

I envy people who fall asleep easy. I have a friend who can fall asleep sitting its not something i ever been able to do.
I have always fallen asleep very easily. Most nights, when I lie in bed and turn off the bedside light, I am literally asleep in approx 90 seconds. It's like pulling a power cord on my day.

Recently things have been a bit complicated for me in some ways so I'm not right now in my usual superfast-to-sleep mode, but anyway.

Fallen asleep at the wheel twice before, that's not good. (hit the kerb at the side of the road hard at about 50mph and woke up with half the car on the sidewalk, stone cold sober, just very early morning. Deserted country road, no other cars or pedestrians around).
I've also fallen asleep standing up once or twice and hit the ground.
WTF are ASMR videos? Is that like Ass to Mouth Recordings or some shit?

lol, nah. they're basically videos that are supposed to calm you down and potentially get you to fall asleep. meant to relax you. here's an example:

Melatonin and be there
When I end up with around 2 hrs less sleep than I wanted, I'll usually feel really drowsy to the point where I don't feel I should drive and should nap an hour or so.
Yea every day really since became adult

Love sleeping lol, actually about to take one soon
I've never been able to. I have a hard time falling asleep at night as it is. Even if I was able to sleep in the middle of the day it was completely fuck up my sleep schedule.