Anyone like burning incense?

Burning incense was all of the rage in I was in college in the early 2000's. I don't know if I've ever met anyone who burns incense besides during those days.
I just use air freshener.
I really dislike incense, it's far too smoky and strong. If you want something that smells good, but nowhere near as offensive or strong, try essential oils. I'll just put a drop of lemon or peppermint oil on the burner and its done in a couple seconds, and the room smells awesome.
I have 2 rescue kitties and when one shits, the other MUST out do him immediately. So I buy the huge bundles of sticks off of eBay.

I have been looking for other methods tho:
Basically I have a Copper incense burner and little charcoal pieces. I put an inch of sand in the burner and then whenever you want to do the incense I'll light the charcoal, put it on the sand (if you put the charcoal directly on the copper it will heat it up hardcore and youlld burn your hand if you touch it or burn whatever the burner is standing on), and then put various incense resins, woods, or blends on the charcoal which will burn and create the smoke. I burn frankencense, cedar resin, a combination of frankencense and myrrh, scented sandalwood, and I've also tried Oudh and other ones too. I've also noticed a few packs of Japanese charcoal I've bought have been far superior to the kings ones and general puck shaped ones due to having less chemicals, burnt charcoal smell, and mess. I have also read that frankencense has mild narcotic effects which wouldn't surprise me although it's extremely subtle if true.
I have been looking for other methods tho:

If you shop online then you'll obviously find all sorts of different burners, charcoal, and resins. If you like going to a store and buying stuff the old fashioned way then lots of Tibetan stores have really nice copper burners and charcoal too. I've seen a lot of cheaper, simpler burners at Greek stores and even a Greek bakery which usually have basic frankencense as well as different scented frankencenses. If you're christian then catholic and orthodox supply shops will have all that stuff too.
Some of it smells good but it dries out my throat from breathing it. Scented candles are a bit better but I'd just rather have my place smell like natural ball sweat. I'm not trying to impress anyone.
i mostly just like nag champa. but what ts is talking about sounds nice too.
I don't like incense. The smell becomes too much and your house ends up smelling like a head shop. I do like scented candles though. Its subtle and I just like having a candle going late night when I'm watching TV or playing video games.
My dad always does it in his garage/ work space. It smells good.
Loathe every bit I've smelled.

My wife has some sort of little lamp that melts these wax thingies. Smells wonderful. Some of them are strong tho so I make her change them which is why it's in the kitchen
Yeah, Frankincense, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Sage, stuff like that. Only natural stuff.
tried it once, i like the smell, but it attracts weird spirits n stuff in my house...

What type of paranormal activity are we talking about here?
Which kind of voodoo do you do?
What type of paranormal activity are we talking about here?
Which kind of voodoo do you do?

i didnt do some voodoo stuff... i just like the smell so i brought it to my house...
the house has a history of weird things happening but it cooled down for a long time...
but when i started burnin up those incense.. weird dreams happen, people acting agitated i feel like im having a verry short temper... i saw my gf came out of the bathroom twice, like theres a doppleganger.. i hear my cousin's voice callin me around 2 am but nobody's there... my gf saw my aunt gliding, not walking, feet not touching the floor but shes actually in the room sleeping... those kind of stuff...