Ugh, another one of these. I'm going to leave this thread as an example to the kind of stuff that's NOT going to be tolerated in here. I'm closing this thread for a number of reasons:
1) Everyone is going to post how much this Art sucks for MMA, and all of whom I am willing to bet my entire net worth have never taken a day of ACTUAL Shao Lin training.
2) This is going to spark another TMA vs. MMA argument.
3) Too many people mistake Wu Shu for Gung Fu, and thus talk smack about how in Gung Fu you never fight.
4) Even in it's homeland it's difficult to find GENUINE teachers of the Art, because of the fallout from the Boxer Rebellion and the emergence of Wu Shu as a whole. Much of the actual practical fighting aspects of the Art are long-forgotten and dismissed by younger generations as irrelevant.
5) As per the Shotokan thread, too many people in here think their own knowledge of Gung Fu when having never REALLY studied it's ancestry or notable practitioners is sufficient. If you look in the phone book, or see a flyer for a "Gung Fu" or "Kung Fu" school or Academy, you can pretty much bet that 8 times out of ten it's going to be some bastardized watered-down version of the Art, especially anywhere in the world that is not China, Hong Kong, or Taiwan.
6) Threads like this will continue to be edited until we can learn to appreciate and discuss grand-father Arts such as Gung Fu without spouting nonsense.