Anyone have vague childhood memories?



And you're not sure if it actually happened or not? I have one really vague memory when I was around 3-4 years old of seeing suspicious looking men outside the window at night. I remember seeing in the following morning, the front door being broken and a bunch of adults who seemed to be cops and paramedics in my house. Most of them were crowded over my mom who was laid out on the floor and with blood all over her.

I sometimes wonder if our house was broken into and my mother was raped and/or stabbed. It is so vague and happened when I was so young that I can't be sure it actually happened. I never asked my parents about it because maybe it is something I made up in my own head.

Anyone have anything like this?
Nah I've never had anything like that happen to me, at all.
Most definitely, but the mind has most certainly purged those memories, and I think we're happier people for it.

I wish we could format the mind, ala a hard drive, to completely remove earlier memories but retain important skills, IE: language and the ability to communicate, mathematical problem-solving skills, etc. Perhaps that would remove some psychological burdens, ala depression stemming from bad experiences.
ur childhoods a lie. [insert judge dredd reference]
I would ask. Broke my nose at 3 when my sis tripped me and i hit the corner of a coffee table... also... some memories of being rocked by my mom.
TS: You probably had some messed up childhood, that your memory does not want to recall.
I have one vague memory of getting out of the car with my family one evening at a distinct looking house, like a two story southwest style design with christmas lights. But I generally have a really poor memory of my childhood thanks to head trauma so I spoke to my mother about it and she has no memory of any such place, so I guess I made up the memory
Once on my way to school as a 6-7 year old I was going past the road with the corner shop on it and I looked down the side road and saw this giant rabbit. It was as tall as a man, about 200 metres away down that road, and standing upright, but unmistakably a rabbit and not a human being. It was facing to the side when I saw it, but then as I stared at it it slowly turned to face me. I wanted to turn away or run, but I couldn't. Then it saw me.
When I was around 10 my mom showed me videos of when I was like 3, so most of my early childhood memories have the possibility that I remembered watching a video of it and over time my memory removed the part about it being a video. There are some I know for sure are real though. The most vivid is when I was 3 and my parents taught me to like green beans by saying they were actually green trains and airplanes(loved those as a 3 year old).
I don't understand, TS?

If this happened, wouldn't it be common knowledge that your mother was attacked? I mean it almost sounds like you saw a dead body?!
I have some memories I feel the same way about. It's actually quite incredible you made this thread because it's something I wonder about a lot. I probably should talk to somebody about the memories....
Is Repressed Memory Syndrome cool again?
Can't remember much before 6.
Once on my way to school as a 6-7 year old I was going past the road with the corner shop on it and I looked down the side road and saw this giant rabbit. It was as tall as a man, about 200 metres away down that road, and standing upright, but unmistakably a rabbit and not a human being. It was facing to the side when I saw it, but then as I stared at it it slowly turned to face me. I wanted to turn away or run, but I couldn't. Then it saw me.

Sadly, I have an audiographic memory and nearly photographic memory. My first memories are hearing sounds in the hospital room where I was born. Pretty much am able to remember everything conversation I've ever had when sober.
Sadly, I have an audiographic memory and nearly photographic memory. My first memories are hearing sounds in the hospital room where I was born. Pretty much am able to remember everything conversation I've ever had when sober.

Pssh, I remember all 9 months in the womb. Was totes boring.
I can't say I have.

I've had dreams that I remember vividly and they feel real. For example I had a dream around 6 years old that I went out on the roof from the second floor to avoid a robber and then fell off the roof. I remember it vividly but as a nightmare.

You should ask your parents.