anyone had much success doing no grains?


White Belt
Jan 8, 2010
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Hey, just want to know a few peoples opinions of dropping grains out of their diets and still managing to keep their energy levels up during training - trying to drop bodyfat, I'd love to try the no grain thing but I travel two hours each way for training (muay thai) so I'm scared of turning up and having terrible performance and not getting much out of it.

If anyone doesn't eat grains in their diet and has a few tricks for pre-workout food etc which provides enough of an energy boost I'd appreciate it if you shared it with me?
Personally I cannot train without carbs so I have not had success with what you are suggesting. What worked for me to cut carbs during training was limiting all my carb intake to breakfast or lunch, and after my training. Making sure it was all coming from brown rice and no white flour.
It depends what kind of strategy you're going with. What kind of macro numbers are you shooting for? Some people train better with more carbs pre-WO. Obviously, people doing keto don't do this, and there is a lot of space in between those two extremes. Furthermore, a lot of people train well fasted.

Your question is kind of hard to answer, because your only qualifier is that the food must be "non-grain." Well, that part is easy, it just restricts your food choices a bit. The hard part is figuring out when and what to eat for you, personally, and pre-WO nutrition is just that: Personal. What I'm saying is, you're going to have to experiment with different approaches and see how you respond to them.
Yes I've done Paleo since July and have went from 168-135 pounds, i'm still trying to get down to 125. Your gonna be low on energy for like a week or two but it's up to you no to be a pansy and fire yourself up. Grains aren't your only source of carbs, vegetables and fruits are your friends.
Yes I've done Paleo since July and have went from 168-135 pounds, i'm still trying to get down to 125. Your gonna be low on energy for like a week or two but it's up to you no to be a pansy and fire yourself up. Grains aren't your only source of carbs, vegetables and fruits are your friends.


I hope you're short.
Yes for colon issues. I am trying to rid myself of grains but I still have a little on the weekends.
I have no energy problems at all on a keto diet. I've been doing it for a month and lost 10 pounds so far.
My energy levels are fine for martial art and Crossfit training, and I do not consume grains or refined carbohydrates at all 5-6 days out of the week. They are treats I reserve for a couple occasions over the weekend. I actually feel best when I don't have them at all at this point.

Some vegetables with every meal, a little fruit with breakfast and lunch, that's about it as far as carbohydrates go really. Keep your fat and protein (animal, grass fed/pastured if you can) adequate and you will thrive without grains.