Anyone ever taken a pay cut for job satisfaction?

I know I will be here in the next year or so, finishing up school. Feel like it's about that time to make the move before I look back and regret not even trying
Yup, I did. Went from $250k in my 20s to about half of that in my late 20s. I am much happier now on a more regular basis and I have no lasting regrets. Although sometimes I'm tempted to accept an offer and go back to my old field.
Very recently and it's not working out too well for me. At all.
Your happiness is worth more than your money
Damn son, 50k+ pay cut? That suuuuuucks. Also, what CPA firms pay accountants less than $40k? That's criminal for the hours they work around tax season.

She went into the CPA firm as an unknown on the recommendation of her brother who is a client there and a friend of the owner. She was soon able to show her worth and now makes quite a bit more than when she started. She still doesn't make anywhere near what she did make at the old job. But she works less hours, has less stress, and doesn't have to put up with a bunch of micromanagers trying to run a business from the other side of an ocean. But, yeah, the 50k plus pay cut was bad. We live well within our means, so it was manageable even if we didn't exactly like it.
When I was young I took a pay cut to work for an airline imagining myself using the flight benefits every weekend, but as the bills grew I realized I couldnt afford to stay there much less drop money on hotels/food/etc if I was traveling all the time. Tried getting a second job with that one on the side but they kept rebidding the schedule and I couldnt keep it up
At one point, I was so fed up with my job I was all set to leave, new job lined up and told my boss I’d had enough. The place I was leaving for would only be paying me slightly more than half my current job. It would have been worth it, and my boss understood. Fortunately, the VP took me out for lunch, promised some changes, and gave me a 20% raise on top of it.
I'm currently working at the lower paying job.

I'm an Over-The-Road truck driver, and I used to work at a company that paid 48 cents per mile. But everything about it, other than the pay, was horrible. The truck they gave me was high in miles (470,000), and was constantly breaking down, the air conditioner going out, or any number of new issues coming up every week.

Kept getting the run-around about getting a better truck. Finally, after about two months, I turned the truck in and gave the ultimatum to give me a newer truck or I walked. They said they didn't have any available at that terminal. I asked 'What about that one?' and pointed at a truck I knew had 50,000 miles. They replied it was reserved for someone else.

I walked, because I knew they were full of shit, because the same truck was there a week ago.

Currently working at a company that only pays 38 cents per mile. But I like about everything besides the pay.