Anyone else tired of the short people bashing?

We clown short people for acquiring resources and trying to show themselves off for it yet we put tall people on a pedestal because they are “themselves”. Even a tall person’s genetic lineage acquired an excess of resources in order to build their DNA to the point where they are tall.

There is literally nothing a short person can do to fix their stature besides take steroids to make themselves appear bigger or other extreme surgical procedures. It’s 2021, can we please get away from caring about people’s biological limitations when we already know there is literally nothing they can do to fix that?

inb4 manlet jokes (I’m 5’11 and have got laid more than 99% of you…. As if that even matters in the grand scheme of things but I had to throw this in there for the people who are going to throw their ego into this discussion)
That is why, there is a thing called Napoleon complex, even though Napoleon was not short for his day.
5'11? Lmao. I'm 5'6 bro.

I still get laid, I bet them knowing that rustle their simp Jimmies.

Buzzword buzzword
Who gives a shit? I'm short and I find the short people threads/posts to be hilarious. Quit bitching. There's plenty of way worse things to be than short. Like being thin and frail, ugly, or having a small dick. To be honest, you sound like you're a combination of all 4. Otherwise you wouldn't be whining.
What are we considering short for dicks here
I’m 5’4 and idgaf about short jokes. In fact I kind of enjoy them