Any tips for a new person?


Black Belt
Jan 23, 2010
Reaction score
I had my first BJJ class today and had a great time. Can anyone give me some general tips about what I should or shouldn't do?
have fun and take every chance you can get to learn something
Drink LOTS of water. I drink about 1.5 L during a 2-2 1/2 hr class, then another couple of liters after I get home.

Eat good, healthy food. Eat light before you train, and a good meal after class.

Stretch a lot after class. After I get home I usually stretch for 1/2 hour to an hour. If you don't, you'll be really sore the next day, especially if it was a tough class. Stretching also prevents injuries, and you'll feel more relaxed for the next class.
BJJ is based mostly off of time put in and education on the subject. So anyone who knows more and has trained longer than you will beat you. So train hard and do your homework.

Work on positions more so than submissions.

Don't try learning "secret" techniques that no one knows. We've all been on youtube. We know your setup for the pentagram choke.
Wash your Gi, belt, and keep your nails trimmed (hands & feet).

Relax, have fun. Don't try to death grip everything, try to feel the other person's weight distribution on you, learn to shrimp and break grips first.

Oh yea, and don't count taps in practice.
Definitely tap early, no need to be a hero in training just yet. Stretch alot! it will also improve your flexibility which will improve your bjj. Theres a skin product you can buy offline on, i cant remember its name but its a foam you rub on exposed skin prior to training to prevent ringworm
wash your gi after every class. Eat good food, your sweat wont stink so bad and you'll feel better.
Don't try and muscle everything. Relax, stay receptive, tap even if you feel like you can hold on that extra couple seconds.
Do you wear a rash guard underneath your Gi?
be a sponge and observe. be respectful. try and nail down basics first (guard passes, sweeps, closed guard defense/offense) before trying to start submitting others.

most importantly, have fun!
Roll with people of all shapes and sizes. It is amazing how different everybody rolls.
no one has mentioned it yet so.... Breathe. Too many people hold their breath when rolling and trying a move / defense.

Control your breathing the entire time.
position before submission

matter of fact, forget submissions for awhile.