Any one here has a bird trapped in a cage? How messed up is that?


Green Belt
Nov 23, 2009
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I'm no tree hugger, but I think it's fucked up to cage a bird in such a small place, they have the gift of flying. I dont have it or ever cared when I was a kid, but now thinking about it, its messed up. My cousin got a ton in a small cage. I didn't say anything but it kinda made me wonder why!

I'm I getting soft?
I'm a peacock, you have to let me fly.
I'm a sherdogger. It's probably not any worse being a bird, and the bird doesn't even know it's caged.
Got a friend with 2 African greys. While they're pretty cool it's still fucked up to take flight from a bird and put it in a cage.
I had it when I was a kid, I still feel guilty to this day...
Tell 1000 people to give me $5 for my Save-a-Parrot foundation.
But seriously, I would never hold birds in a cage. They seem destined to roam freely.

It's like holding indoor cats in an appartment, I could never do that. Cats wanna go hunt, go outside, chasing birds, whatever. Then return to your comfortable chair.
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Problem solved ...

I often keep birds in cages... until they are fit and healthy enough for release. Keeping birds in cages for one's own personal amusement is grotesque, just like all forms of animal exploitation.
Same as keeping a turtle, lizard, rodent, fish in a tank.
It's fucked up but most of those birds are the offspring of many generations of birds born in cages so I don't know how strong their instinct is to be free and fly away.
I know some people that have birds and most of the time when one of the birds escapes they come back after one or two days.
It's fucked up but most of those birds are the offspring of many generations of birds born in cages so I don't know how strong their instinct is to be free and fly away.
I know some people that have birds and most of the time when one of the birds escapes they come back after one or two days.
I adopted an African Grey and he freaked out every time I tried to take him outside. He'd sit on an open window ledge, but never try to escape.
Just imagine someone taking your legs and keeping you in a cage
Please correct me if I'm wrong...
If you live anywhere on the east coast - buy a little parakeet from a pet store - and decide to set it free.
The bird will be dead in less than a week. Most likely caught by a cat or a hawk.
My mother owns 2 little parakeets. She has a big cage for them in her living room but the door to the cage is always open.
Her birds fly around her living room whenever they want. She takes great care of them and they allow her to pick them up and hold them.
Only time I feel bad for her birds is when she goes an vacation and leaves them at my house. I don't let them out because the one time I did - one flew straight into my TV - LOL.
I felt much worse for the turtle my kids used to own. I convinced them that we should let him free so he could have a better life.
We set him free in a beautiful park which has a pond full of turtles.
Yeah, it's pretty insane.

I had a childhood friend, they had a huge, beautiful parrot in a cage in their kitchen for many years. That guy was always so miserable. You could just feel it. Eventually, he started ripping the feathers out of himself. It's absurd and wrong to trap something alive with a brain in a cage and just leave it there.
I had budgies before they passed. I normally left the cage open, they only came inside to sleep, but most if the time they were in the open

There was some drama between them. My sister had a female budgie and an angry male one. Then we did an exchange to let them see each other since they just yelled and never seen each other

Long story short, my budgie got hers pregnant and the angry male one got even more violent. Lol. I ended up keeping her femske one since tgere was a family going on now. Lol
I.....I.....I guess....Hmmmm

I guess I don’t have a strong opinion on this one.

Sorry for typing anything.
Yeah. The examples you posted are fucking awful lol. But each one of those animals has a limit of how much free space they can feel safe in (if given too much space they’ll start stressing out). They should also have items in their habitat that add to their quality of life. If done right, you’ll have a happy lil critter. The ones you posted are no doubt miserable because they’re cramped and don’t have what they need.

Tbh I feel any animal that would be safe to roam around should be allowed to do so. Like I allowed my guinea pig and my bunnies. No sense in having them caged. I think it’s kinda twisted too. They sit in those cages for like 23 hours a day, only come out for like an hour when the person wants them. Then puts them back away. As if they’re taking a toy from the box. Doesn’t feel fair to the animal.