Any News on Edgar?

This smaller guys have an earlier expiration date in my opinion that speed, reflexes slowing down is a real killer to anything bellow the WW division.

Even if he comes back his best is behind him and has a year or two in the top 10 at best, tittle forget about it.
True that.

The only older fighters below a certain weight that still do well are the ones with the power to put your lights out, submit you, or wrestlefuck you. But for the most part if you dont have the speed to hang then you're done.
I think he is hoping Max loses, Aldo wins, & Ali gets him a title shot vs Max this fall.

Not saying it's the thing to do, but doesn't seem far-fetched since Ali runs the UFC.
i think hes sitting for a title shot since he figures max will win and vacate 145. or even if max loses frankie wants to leap frog say volkanovski if he beats aldo

dont see it though
Fuck man i thought this was about FrankieNYC

Still hoping he got hacked and it’s a joke but it’s not looking good
Unfortunately it definitely isn't, what's it been like 5 days now without a post from him? That's unheard of and had he been hacked and seen all the threads about him I can only imagine he would have made a new account to let everyone know he was okay :(
i think i heard he broke his wrist throwing his hat.
I have a feeling UFC still want him and KZ to go at it. Personally, I'd like to see him against Moicano just to show us he still has it and they are close in rankings as well. Only two fighters are ahead of Frankie ranking wise and while I think Frankie will never be able to beat Aldo, I want him to get that W back from Ortega. Easier said than done though.
he should fight

Edgar should retire. He was LW champ and he lost to Aldo twice. He is small 145er, nearly 38y.o. and 38 is old if you are not above 185lbs.
Im not sure Edgar can beat guys like Stephens/Bektic or Emmett (potential opponents if he returns) and forget about killers like Holloway, Aldo, Ortega, Volkanovski or Zabeast.
Edgar should retire. He was LW champ and he lost to Aldo twice. He is small 145er, nearly 38y.o. and 38 is old if you are not above 185lbs.
Im not sure Edgar can beat guys like Stephens/Bektic or Emmett (potential opponents if he returns) and forget about killers like Holloway, Aldo, Ortega, Volkanovski or Zabeast.

You realize he beat Stephens like 2 years ago right?
Edgar has been fighting at LW when he could be at BW. He took a lot of damange early own.
He was in the crowd recently, getting his face out there again could be a prelude to another barn burner.
Hope so, I fucking love that lad.
I still believe he can win at 145 and 135. Not many people on paper in those divisions can beat him. Would be legendary - just imagine such an accomplishment, LW. FW and BW champion
You realize he beat Stephens like 2 years ago right?

exactly, over 2 years plus Frankie's recent injuries. If Zabeast will be fighting with Ortega next then there is only 3 potential opponents for Edgar: Emmett, Bektic and Stephens rematch (who only lost on points first time).