Media Any doubt johnny Walker won't be champ after this training session??

A perfect example of why not to hop on every hype train that comes down the rails. It just reeks of desperation. For the 1/10 that actually work out. You look like a fool the other 90% of the time.
When he gets hit he turns into a baby giraffe. There isn't any fixing that.
I have no doubt he will ever be a champ
When you lose to Corey Anderson I don't want to know ya :rolleyes::rolleyes:

to be fair Corey is pretty damn good fighter. Johnnys problem is hes undisciplined in his fight approach. Just starts swinging wildly like an idiot and leaves himself open.

I doubt he will learn anything better with John though lol
His chin dosen't seem good enough for him to have anything more than an outside chance to capture UFC gold. If he dosen't blast through his opponent in a minute or two he's at constant risk of getting clipped by anything random that can take his legs out from under him. If he employed a grappling/clinch heavy style and got good at it he could protect his weak chin. But he seems to like flashy range striking which will always have him at risk where his chin can't handle solid shots. Which means he's at risk of losing constantly even to guys he's a better striker too. Because they only need to land 1 fairly decent one to start the bambi legs.
Wow, trying to improve your ground game by training with John Kavanagh is an incredibly stupid business move...
One would think that video of him getting KO'ed 4 times in 18 seconds would've been enough to quell the hype, but apparently not.