A few years ago, I organized a crazy bachelor party in a Las Vegas hotel with my best friends: Moore, Boyd, and two brothers Adam and Michael. We spent the night with drinks, drugs and a stripper. Shit got real when Michael got drunk and paid the stripper extra money for sex in the bathroom, then accidentally slammed her against a wall and put a towel hook through her head, killing her instantly.
Then we all started arguing over what to do--Adam wants call the police, Boyd demands that they bury her body in the desert--a hotel security guard came to investigate the noise and saw the corpse in the bathroom. In desperation, Boyd stabbed the guard to death and we're forced to dismember the bodies to take them to the desert for burial.
Over the next few days, Adam remains riddled with guilt over his role in the whole thing, particularly when the guard's disappearance appears in the paper. Meanwhile, Boyd becomes obsessed with gruesome death. At the rehearsal dinner, Adam cracks under the pressure and fights Michael in the parking lot. Though we break up the fight and convince Michael to leave, he tries to ram his jeep into Adam's beloved minivan. Adam desperately runs in front of his minivan to stop him and is crushed in the inevitable collision. In the hospital, Adam whispers something to his wife Lois before succumbing to his wounds. Michael, wracked with guilt, becomes slightly insane over his brother's death.
Lois calls us and demands answers about what happened in Las Vegas. I desperately made up a story about Adam sleeping with a prostitute, and not for the first time. But Boyd, suspecting that Lois does not believe us and will call the police, invades her home that night; they clash violently and he kills her. He then calls me and Moore to bring Michael to the house, where he quietly shoots him dead before rejoining me and Moore in the car. He concocts an alibi about a Michael/Lois/Adam love triangle to answer any interrogation by police. My wife and I are awarded custory of Adam and Lois' sons, but then we're conned out of most of Adam's life-insurance policy. I break down and confess the story to Laura privately, but she shrugs most of it off and insists that the wedding will proceed as planned.
On the wedding day, Boyd confronts me and demands Adam's life-insurance money; I refuse and a fight ensues. Intervening, Laura viciously beats Boyd with a hatstand, but during the wedding, Moore and I realize that best-man Boyd has the wedding rings. Moore retrieves them and Boyd succumbs to his injuries while Laura and I are married. Once we have a private moment, Laura demands that I bury Boyd's body in the desert, then leave no witnesses by killing Moore and Adam's dog. Moore and I head out to bury Boyd with the bodies of Michael, Tina, and the guard, but I cannot go through with killing Moore or the dog. Overcome reminiscing about happier times with my friends, I lose focus and crashed into a passing car.
Moore, the dog and I are all left disabled, and Laura is forced to look after us and Adam's sons for the rest of her hell-in-suburbia life.