Social Anxio, benzos

Hook a knvkka up!

You joke but a good K dose let you see the matrix ... with your being kind of stuck between two cords from the theory, Interstellar style

Proper infusion therapy that's administered over the course of an hour will in fact bend space and time and you'll see the tesseract.
The past few times I did it, as I was coming out of it I was actually able to see the blood flowing through vessels in my eyes. That's not hyperbole, I could actually see it. I asked the clinicians and they said that others have reported that.
I'm a fucking pack of nerves sinces years. Realised recently I've been on and off on this stuff for a good decade now. Gone cold turkey with bad results, gone quick stop with med pros in weeks with bad results ... bad drug, too easily prescribed and awfully handled when you want to get off. Cannabis is taken more seriously... what a joke
It's the american dream.... make sense yet?