Social Anxio, benzos


Purple Belt
Sep 22, 2016
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I swear it's the most common, non talked and pernicious shit substance. Does combos with other stuff, super double dunk with alcohol and basically the "cure" to everything in rehab.

Everyone struggling with or "enjoying" this shit ?
I'm a fucking pack of nerves sinces years. Realised recently I've been on and off on this stuff for a good decade now. Gone cold turkey with bad results, gone quick stop with med pros in weeks with bad results ... bad drug, too easily prescribed and awfully handled when you want to get off. Cannabis is taken more seriously... what a joke
That sucks but if you want to get rid of them then let me have them
Ketamine therapy > benzos

and it works
Ketamine therapy > benzos

and it works

Did the keta without the therapy. Low doses I listened to downtempo music and draw a bit.

High dose I was a quantum particule for a moment.

Fun and a bit scary but didn't help the benzo struggle on the whole
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I have some nice prescribed pills. I’m not letting them go anytime soon.
Half of my family has been on them at some point, some of my patients too but nowadays at least in Europe it's not that commonplace to prescribe them, you can get addicted and/or use them to get high.
When I was in high school I used to steal them from my mum and mix them with alcohol.
I'm on klonopin which, despite anything Stevie Nicks says, is a miracle drug and turned my life around.