ANOTHER Ronda Interview on times (and physics) change!

both you and Ronda know shit about boxing. Boxing gloves cause a lot more trauma to the brain due to concussive force generated from a boxer. damage to the brain is more dangerous than bruising to the face.
It's that old myth that MMA fans created that Boxing gloves = pillow fists. Couldnt be further from the truth
Boxing gloves DO slow down your punch and limit the power you can deliver. This is why they lowered the size of boxing gloves for lower weight class fighters, for instance - to make them more able to actually hurt each other in the ring since they lack body mass.
It is worse for you to take shots with a boxing glove because the padding keeps you from getting ko'd as easily and you get your brain knocked around a lot more, a good shot with an mma glove will knock you out and the fight is over. Maybe this is what she meant?
It keeps you from getting KO'd which is the antithesis of her argument which is that the impact is less. She is confusing her argument of repeated shots (since gloves reduce impact and allow the fight to continue longer) with acting like the shots are less powerful or have less effect individually.
and then people complain about the "ufc hype train"
When a UFC hype train crashes, there is a lot of wreckage and pile up. This is to be expected. And Ronda's is still throwing chunks of debris all this time later because the UFC and the media haven't let up on the accelerator. LOL
She thinks that getting hit with a boxing glove is (this is hilarious) worse because the glove is heavier and you are getting hit with more weight meaning there is more of an impact
you dont understand physics.
I agree. If Mike Tyson hits you with mma gloves, it shouldn't hurt as much and you wouldn't be ko'd.

Ronda knows what's up.
It keeps you from getting KO'd which is the antithesis of her argument which is that the impact is less. She is confusing her argument of repeated shots (since gloves reduce impact and allow the fight to continue longer) with acting like the shots are less powerful or have less effect individually.
Well it sounds like she is a little mixed up about the physics behind it, but boxing is worse for you than mma when it comes to brain trauma so she's not completely wrong about that.
both you and Ronda know shit about boxing. Boxing gloves cause a lot more trauma to the brain due to concussive force generated from a boxer. damage to the brain is more dangerous than bruising to the face.
LOL, where did I say the bruising to the face was the issue? That was Ronda. Boxing gloves slow down your punch and add padding so it does lessen impact. She thinks the added mass increases the impact more than the added mass lessens the impact due to slowing the punch down which is false. The power is generated by the speed of the punch and recruiting mass of the BODY through kinetic linking.
you dont understand physics.
If you agree with Ronda here then YOU don't understand the physics of boxing which is not a simple mass x acceleration problem with the mass of the fist and glove times the acceleration of the glove. Kinetic linking, son.
Well it sounds like she is a little mixed up about the physics behind it, but boxing is worse for you than mma when it comes to brain trauma so she's not completely wrong about that.
But she's just parroting shit she's heard and doesn't understand. It's all for the betterment of her sport but she's actually ignorant as fuck.
both you and Ronda know shit about boxing. Boxing gloves cause a lot more trauma to the brain due to concussive force generated from a boxer. damage to the brain is more dangerous than bruising to the face.


But he's right. Partially because of the gloves and partially because of the 10-count, boxers are far more likely to suffer long-term brain damage than MMA fighters, because they're concussed multiple times in a fight without ever being out cold. Gloves are meant to protect the hand first, but they also protect the head of the person getting punched - at least in the very short term.
But he's right. Partially because of the gloves and partially because of the 10-count, boxers are far more likely to suffer long-term brain damage than MMA fighters, because they're concussed multiple times in a fight without ever being out cold. Gloves are meant to protect the hand first, but they also protect the head of the person getting punched - at least in the very short term.
He's not right in the premise that boxing gloves allow for more impact from each punch individually. The argument that boxing allows for an accumulation of more damage over time due to the additional punches is a separate one. The guy here is agreeing with Ronda that the impact is less for an MMA glove.
Fair enough.
It's actually one of the things I used to respect about her: she was good at putting forward arguments in interviews for the betterment of MMA and particularly WMMA, even if they were sometimes rhetorical in nature. That was, of course, before she got on my shit list and all the times I've seen her abuse this in order to create narratives around other people in order to prop herself up.
LOL, where did I say the bruising to the face was the issue? That was Ronda. Boxing gloves slow down your punch and add padding so it does lessen impact.
Dude have you ever been boxed in your life? You probably haven't seen guys break their hands during sparring by punching too hard. boxing gloves weren't designed to slow down a punch. who the fuck told you that? the impact from a boxing gloves makes your brain jump around in your skull, even a light jab affects the brain.
What did say that was funny? Boxing gloves cause a lot more trauma to the brain, can you explain why that is such a ridiculous notion?
you're crazy. i would rather take punches from mma gloves than boxing gloves any day of the week. mma gloves sting more and maybe you'll get cut easier but boxing gloves will fuck your head up man
I have trained both mma and boxing, nothing at a decent level though. in my experience the mma gloves leave a lot more small bruises than the boxing gloves and made my face look worse. However getting hit by boxing gloves left me with a lot more headaches even wearing headguards.
What isn't considered is the taping of the hands, boxers seem to have a lot more than mma fighters and its solid when applied to the hands. Theres a lot less padding with tape on.