Another GoT thread - Anyone else not care for Theon Greyjoy?


Plutonium Belt
Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2011
Reaction score
I've watched GoT from the beginning, but only because a big fan in the 3rd season. The one character that's rubbed me the wrong way is Theon. All the protagonists and antagonists I've enjoyed cheering for and cheering against - even Joffery.

Theon, on the other hand... seems like a waste of screentime. I understand his complete story, but after his horrible actions in the 2nd season (betraying Rob, invading Winterfell, beheading that guy that braids his hair in a funny way, killing the 2 farmer's kids and saying they were the Stark kids, burning Winterfell to the ground, etc and whatever I'm leaving out).

My issue with the show is now it seems like the show is trying to make us feel sorry for him, his torture throughout Season 3, his losing of his 'favorite toy,' his brainwashing to become Reek, the Stockholm Syndrome... I don't care. If he gets killed off I'll celebrate that he's no longer depriving far better characters screentime.

I bet the show is going to go through a multiple season redemption arc, and then get killed off tragically. Hopefully I'm wrong, and GRRM usually doesn't do predictable clich
I fucking hate him.

The only characters I hate as much are Cersie, Jofffrey and Shae.
His online counterpart is actually as annoying as he is. I thought this was a callout thread for a sec.
Poll is a bit misleading. Me hating him means he's a good character that invokes emotion. I still want him dead doe.
You can be a terrible person and still end up being sympathetic. That is kind of GRRM's thing. Setting up a character one way then completely making you change your opinion about them. He was a piece of shit for what he did, but no one deserves the things he has been through.
Sweet Moses, people. Just rename this the GOT forum and be done with it.
I felt bad until last night's episode. Now I just want the cur put out of its misery.
If you'd read the books you'd care. No one deserves to go through what he does, despite his past actions.

They've played it down a bit in the show and added some sexual tension from Ramsay for the fangirls, but in the books he ends up with most of his teeth broken and missing, has like 6 toes and 7 fingers, patches of skin flayed or just plain chewed off by Ramsay, dick cut off, multiple bones that have been broken and poorly healed and that's just the physical torture.
Ramsay routinely allows him to escape then hunts him down and flays part of him. He's so headfucked he's afraid to even think of himself as Theon Greyjoy, spazzes out if someone calls him Theon and is terrified to even kill himself because he thinks it will just be another trick by Ramsay.

He deserves to die, not to be turned into an animal.
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I hate him but i wanna see him stick around for a bit
A victim of circumstance, given up by his failure of a father for his failed rebellion. Raised as a ward of one of the greatest nobles of Westeros like a son, treated to the best of life. Lived under the assumption that he was the deserved prince of the Iron Islands and the rightful heir.

His first time meeting his family since being given up, his loyalty is tested right off the bat, and is ridiculed by those who he thought loved and missed him. He goes from being the rightful heir, to being just another ironborn who thinks their shit doesn't stink who's done nothing to earn it.

He is forced to forgive and abandon everything he's been taught by Ned and the other northerners just in the hopes that he'll gain his fathers love and approval.

this video pretty much sums up the turmoil of Theon's character

Honestly killing Rodrick Cassel, and the farmers boys was all because he was being told to by his other ironborn soldiers who didn't respect him in the first place and were just after the gold of Winterfell, not the significance that Theon saw it as.

Maester Luwin even tries to convince him to take the black to move past this "Act" of being a tough guy that he was never raised to be

He is a tragic character 100%, and no matter how you look at it IMO he does deserve the screen time. From season 1 on he goes from being at his peak condition of ego/arrogance/entitlement to a shell of a person, weak, equivallent to a dog if not worse... his redemption may never even come but his tragedy of existence is worth watching...
I hate the eunuch but he's a great character.

Rodrik Cassel's last words perfectly describe Theon and his current situation.

Theon was a can, but Reek... Reek is loyal
Feel bad for him. There are things far worse than death and he's experienced them. The only thing worse that could have happened to him was paralysis and blindness. On a mental level he is destroyed and there's no coming back I feel.
Hey! If any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I'd like Theon Greyjoy, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there at House Bolton and I want him brought right here, with a big ribbon on his head, and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?
