Annoying friend

Mm I got over being embarassed by the actions of others a minute ago. Would be a different world without obnoxious twats always putting a smile on my face.
You sound like a beta and your annoying friend is the alpha. Time to grow some balls and tell him to fuck off.
get rid of him.

I used to hang out with drug propelled party animals and low life gambling degenerates all the time. after a series of incidents, I beat the shit out of one of them and completely stopped hanging out with them alltogether. best decision of my life, everything started changing for good really fast.
You should knock him out, throw a 1-2 combo his way and watch his lights go out.
get rid of him.

I used to hang out with drug propelled party animals and low life gambling degenerates all the time. after a series of incidents, I beat the shit out of one of them and completely stopped hanging out with them alltogether. best decision of my life, everything started changing for good really fast.
This guy knows whats up.
My most annoying friend is just late for your supposed to meet somewhere he's two hours late while everyone else is waiting on him. He gets fired over and over from jobs for being late. I don't understand how people can be like that
That's what happens when nobody around you has the guts to tell you shut up and fuck off.
Sounds like an alpha.

There's a big difference between the social artist, with intelligent improve that leaves the world charmed in their passing, and that of the loud, rude, idiot douche-nozzles, whoring for attention.

I have met my fair share of people who own the room wherever they go, the difference being, some are masterpieces in motion and others are just someone walking into a room pushing their filthy dick into everyone's eye socket.

This guy sound destructive.
Give me a lovable, or thought provoking troll any day, but fuckers trying to ruin shit for their own satisfaction...nope.
its like, "hey buddy, hows it goin?"


... SQUEEZE... *gurgle.. gurgle* .... shhh... (night, night)...
Had a friend exactly like that growing up. I just stopped hanging out with him when I grew up and he didn't.
TS next time he does something like that, just tweak your nipples and tell him you're gonna fight.

Watch him back down.
Now on Spike TV, Dinner with Opy & Friends!



Would not tune in.
I usually avoid those people like the plague, if you're my friend but hang around nothing but annoying people, i am sorry but you have to go. If being around that person brings nothing but stress into your life, it's not worth it
i never get anywhere close to associating with people like that. when i was younger, i had more patience for people like this. but when you become an adult, you realize that time is short, and it's not worth tolerating people like that in your company. drop that guy like a turd in the toilet, and flush.
He got you seating in a 1500 dollar room and you're complaining..
LOL, yeah, but that's kind of like saying he punched some old lady in the face and you're an asshole to complain cause you got the contents of her purse.

Thankfully I've never had any "friends" that bad. I'm good at cutting people out though so it wouldn't be a problem.
I would either make sure he never gets invited out or I'd stay home if I know he's gonna be around. Cutting off shitty friends gets easier as you get older.