Animated Gif Avatars

Mood Swings

. . helping you put on your big boy panties . .
Aug 14, 2008
Reaction score
I went to update my avatar and notice no matter which animated gif avatar I uploaded/linked it no longer animates.

Am I the only one with this issue?

Footnote: My avatar at the time of changing was animated, when I tried changing it and it would not animate, I did try changing back into the original avatar and still no go.

Thank you
I can't remember if it's Plat exclusive or not. @Lethal

EDIT: Actually, the AV might be too big.
For Plats the file limit is 488kb at 192x192 pixels. For non plats the limit can't surpass 100kb.
i resized my gif to 192 x 192 and i am wiggling again!!

all is right now!!
i resized my gif to 192 x 192 and i am wiggling again!!

all is right now!!
i'm so happy that your av works now. but you should also be beaten to death for not telling us who that is
I think our avs are in sync.