International Algeria now wants to join BRICS joins growing list of Nations wanting to Join anti Western

If everyone has one, what does that say about the quality?
Not really sure. I think its just a natural progression for a lot of people there to just go after high school. I actually havent been there in 20 years so i dont really know shit now that i think about it. Wow time flies.
No be fair north Africa has a much stronger history than the rest of the continent
Well, north africans had the advantage (in terms of faster evolution) to face directly on mediterranean sea and be closer to mesopotamia area before and europeans later

But Mali empire wealth was impressive

NA Moors holding spain for such long period was impressive though
Other than Russia and China none of the countries are antagonistic towards the US/Western Europe, and they're hardly united to ever form a coalization to actually oppose anyone. Not sure where all the hate is coming from.
Algeria’s primary weapon is influence in North Africa, which is at a premium since Qaddafi fell.
I'm curious as its being said it's an economic and not a military union, what the hell does Argentina bring to the table? They have inflation that is borderline insane, they are always in crisis and are the country who have defaulted the most on international credits and if this keeps up they will be on the border of collapse again.

Military I could understand as they have a strategic location + with Brazil it means they have 50% of South America under control.