Aleksandra Albu is in shape and ready to fight.

100% angles. She has no ass.



Add that to this face


This is what peak WMMA looks like. <DCWhoa>

Bring on the GIFs, boooiiiis!

"Because I can and I love my body.
Many people ask me why I keep doing photos like this or demonstrate my body. I have a couple of answers:

1. This body is a result of my work, a quality of my meal which I can brag about, and I'm proud of all this work done by ME for years, because I'm a pro.
2. I have only one body in this life , and I love it as much as I love my face
3. By showing my body I want to motivate people to go into sports and to love themselves
4. I wouldn't have posted any photos , for which I would've feel ashamed to show to my family and friends.
5. <3 body, if I could've stayed naked, I would. I think that a body is an incredible machine, that can improve itself on a daily basis

PS a lot of Russian crap in the comments.
Most of them are trolls, some from Caucasus, #khabibtime #womankitchen #allahuakhbar #isisrules
so true. This thots are pathetic, this goes for that thot who is standing up for domestic violence and putting binkin and ass shots to stand up for it.....This ladies make WMMA look like a joke. But I bet they are part of that #metoo movement. You can look but dont touch, or is that not look and not touch and comment either? who knows....
Yeah it's kind of funny that this is the picture she chooses to post to show she is "fight right", especially with the hashtags. (#shoulders, hahaha, not even visable in the pic)

How can you complain about being objectified and not taken seriously as an athlete if this is how you go about promoting yourself?

It's a strange world we live in, lol.