Opinion Jake Shields is now a wanna be far right political activist

Did you not notice that's the same account from the OP that supposedly represents a white nationalist? The one he called a "dumb racist bitch"? In that context, I'd read his comment as a genius way to troll a white nationalist.

Normally the sort of ironic post that would be cheered by those who are against white nationalists.
At what point, do you call it antisemitism?

First, I don't have a Twitter account, so access content is annoying. Second, using advanced search of his subdomain, here is the top result for Fuentes.

Looking through more posts that turned up, it's clear the issue on which he and Fuentes are aligned is Israel. He wants Trump (and all American politicians) to stop taking money from the Adelsons, he wants the influence of the pro-Israeli lobbies expunged from our government, he wants what Israel is doing in Palestine to be condemned as a war crime, and if possible to be countered with force by an international alliance. As far as race I only see crap like this:

In short, he appears to agree with everything you have said yourself on this board about Israel and Jewish lobbying. Maybe you can steer me to the part where he's platforming a Fuentes rant that calls for us to expel non-whites from the country, or calls for our country to concentrate the purity of the white race. Not promoting a border wall. Show me the part where he's fist-pumping this Fuentes character on a genuine white nationalist rant.

Or is that the difference? You agree about everything pertaining to Jews, but he's a "white nationalist" because he's white and wants to increase border security in the USA? Meanwhile you're just a good guy. Is that how this works?

I dunno how you could say Jake Shields is a good guy when he says shit like this.....

Millions of Mexicans are white. Look at Canelo Alvarez, he looks like he's straight outta Dublin.

Nick has light brown curly hair and light skin. Maybe he has some indigenous ancestors, but it isn't particularly noticeable. He just looks European.

His mom is europeon murrican too lol. But yeah, race is really just a social construct. What is considered "black" here is not the same as everywhere in the world.
We have a poster here called @BROWNPRIDE FFS. Why are white people the only people who for some reason aren't allowed to be proud of their heritage?

It's literally OK for everyone else.

And yes, white people do have a shared cultural heritage beyond nationality or region. Travel to any historically majority white country and then travel to a few historically non-white countries and it's obvious..
Who said you can't be proud of being from Kentucky or Alabama?
I dunno how you could say Jake Shields is a good guy when he says shit like this.....


Maybe it's all true, I don't know. I'm just asking, as someone who doesn't look at or even care what Jake Shields says, it seems there is some sort of organized campaign of people across message boards to post this same image. Just wondering where it's coming from.
Maybe it's all true, I don't know. I'm just asking, as someone who doesn't look at or even care what Jake Shields says, it seems there is some sort of organized campaign of people across message boards to post this same image. Just wondering where it's coming from.
It's coming from what Jake Shields says....its not rocket science.
Jake is learning a hard lesson here that i'll be shocked if he learns from. That when you court the far spectrum of a political movement. Ones ethnicity is used as a litmus test to formulate their purity with said movement.
You mean right before he said, "I never pretended to be in your gay ass white supremacist movement"?

It appears an example of him attempting to affirm that he isn't ashamed of supporting white interests at the same moment he is distancing himself from a white supremacist hate group. It's similar to the tweet I embedded above where he seeks to highlight the hypocrisy of the woman who accuses him of being a white supremacist when he tweeted, "I love being white" in response to her tweeting "I love being black".
"white interests" are well taken care of. 80% of the govt. is white.....
Yikes I thought Shields was into the red pill manosphere stuff.
Jake is learning a hard lesson here that i'll be shocked if he learns from. That when you court the far spectrum of a political movement. Ones ethnicity is used as a litmus test to formulate their purity with said movement.
Far spectrum? The current sitting president says if you don't vote democrat you aren't black.