Crime Afghan Stabs Six at Anti-Islam Rally in Mannheim - Policeman Killed - Knifeman in Hospital after being Shot by Police

Update Nine


A knifeman killed one person and severely injured two more at a Euros party in Germany before being shot dead by police.

The 27-year-old Afghan national attacked an [Afghan] acquaintance with a 'knife-like object' at his flat in Wolmirstedt on Friday evening as Germans gathered in the streets to watch the start of the UEFA European Football Championship, police said today.

After fleeing the block of flats, suspect 'Soufian T' ran with bloodied weapon to a nearby allotment, brandishing the 4" blade and threatening people, witnesses claimed.

As police rushed to the scene, the knifeman closed in on a quiet residential area where neighbours were sat [sic] out in a courtyard to watch Scotland play Germany in Munich.

He appeared to lash out at random, stabbing a 75-year-old man twice in the back and a 50-year-old woman in the chest, seriously injuring both of them, Bild reported.

The rampaging knifeman fled after launching a table at another guest, but was shot twice in the head by police as he tried to launch another violent attack their way.
Update Ten


A man wielding a pickaxe and carrying an incendiary device has been shot by police near a Euro 2024 fan park in Hamburg. The unnamed suspect was said to have been shot in the leg after he emerged out of a kebab shop with a gold tinted pickaxe and started to threaten those around him.

He was surrounded by officers who used pepper spray and fired a warning shot, but witnesses said the suspect was downed after he sought to run away among the crowds. Witnesses said he also appeared to be carrying a Molotov cocktail.

A police spokesman said: “At St Pauli [a district in the centre of Hamburg] there is currently a major police operation. According to initial findings, a person threatened police officers with a pickaxe and an incendiary device. The police then used their firearms. The attacker was injured and is currently receiving medical treatment.”

The incident at 12.30pm local time took place close to the Heiligengeistfeld fanzone in the northern German city, where around 40,000 Dutch and Polish fans had gathered ahead of the kick-off of the Sunday afternoon game.
Germany really have let the barbarians in through the gates. They seem to be getting affected more than other European countries at present. I can see a really bad attempted attack happening over the next month during the Euros. They'll need to be highly vigilant. Send these people back to Afghanistan and let the Taliban deal with them.
Islam is a shitty worthless religion and that's why all Muslim countries are shitty & worthless.

Damn. Looks like you administer to some shitty and worthless religion/culture and had a shitty and worthless upbringing.
Damn. Looks like you administer to some shitty and worthless religion/culture and had a shitty and worthless upbringing.

Because I recognise what a worthless religion Islam is? It's brought only suffering to the world. There's no way the world wouldn't be better off if Islam didn't exist. All Muslim countries are poverty-stricken failures when they have no oil, and even with oil they're still shit. Every single one is economically, culturally, scientifically & technologically irrelevant. So yes, it's a shitty, worthless religion.
Because I recognise what a worthless religion Islam is? It's brought only suffering to the world. There's no way the world wouldn't be better off if Islam didn't exist. All Muslim countries are poverty-stricken failures when they have no oil, and even with oil they're still shit. Every single one is economically, culturally, scientifically & technologically irrelevant. So yes, it's a shitty, worthless religion.

Huh. Study your history a little. Many factions from many stages in our illustrious history have brought suffering and destruction. More people have died in the name of Christianity than any other religion in our history. Facts.

Even in modern times, the Nazi regime was powered in the name of Christianity. You know,,cause Jews were responsible for the killing of Christ. Slave traders and colonists were mainly christian. Lest we forget the Crusades.

Several in house terrorists were raised in Christian households.

Like wtf are you even talking about? Go read some books and learn about shit that happened before these past few decades you rabble rouser. It might give you some insight into why some people are the way they are or believe what they do.
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They definitely have this bizarre sanitized view of Islam that isn't even close to reality. All the things they claim to hate about the small percentage of extremist Christians are pretty.....normal to the average middle eastern Muslim

I've known many Muslims in my life, the last place I worked had dozens of Muslim immigrants on my project.

They're regular people, full stop.

I'll say this much... The respect the younger guys paid the elders is something you don't see much any more in the west.
I've known many Muslims in my life, the last place I worked had dozens of Muslim immigrants on my project.

They're regular people, full stop.

I'll say this much... The respect the younger guys paid the elders is something you don't see much any more in the west.
Meanwhile in halifax, everyone was somehow shocked when the majority of middle eastern immigrants showed up at the "leave our kids alone" rallies and made up 90% of the anti LGBTQ+ rallies. The counterprotesting students expected a small turnout of "white supremacists" that they thought they would vastly outnumber and were visibly shocked at the size of the turnout and the demographic they ended up facing off with.

I found it quite Comical myself
Huh. Study your history a little.

MY history? Why would I need to study MY history in response to a debate about Islam being worthless?

Many factions from many stages in our illustrious history have brought suffering and destruction. More people have died in the name of Christianity than any other religion in our history. Facts.

Those may be facts, but unfortunately for you, totally irrelevant facts. You understand what 'whataboutism' is, yes? Simply saying 'what about Christianity' does nothing to prove my statements about Islam incorrect. Please learn the basics of debating.

Even in modern times, the Nazi regime was powered in the name of Christianity

Godwin's Law. LMAO

And no, Christianity had nothing to do with the Nazis. They hated Christianity as they viewed it as 'soft' and a foreign, alien influence which had weakened Europeans. The Nazis wanted Europeans to return to paganism. You are historically illiterate.

You know,,cause Jews were responsible for the killing of Christ

And the Nazis viewed Christianity as a Jewish creation. They didn't give the slightest of fucks about Jesus you dolt. LOL

Alan Bullock will set you straight. He studied this exact topic. An excerpt:

"In Hitler's eyes, Christianity was a religion fit only for slaves; he detested its ethics in particular. Its teaching, he declared, was a rebellion against the natural law of selection by struggle and the survival of the fittest."

You are, quite simply, wrong. Now keep your whataboutery to yourself, ya goof!

Slave traders and colonists were mainly christian

Muslims were heavily involved in the enslavement of black people and other non-Muslims.

Barbary slave trade (European coastlines raided by North African pirates, resulting in about 1.25 million Europeans being enslaved for 300 years):

As far as colonialism, how'd you think Islam came to dominate so much of the world?


'Conquest & colonisation - it's okay when we do it' - Muslim proverb

Lest we forget the Crusades.

Lest we forget? Stop cringeposting, bro. It's pathetic.

Anyway, I agree, we shouldn't forget... THE CRUSADES WERE FUCKING AWESOME!

They were directly in response to Muslim aggression, as they invaded Europe first and were in desperate need of a damn good kicking, which the bad ass Crusaders dealt out with extreme prejudice! Magnificent!

Anyway, still not understanding how this proves me wrong about my statements regarding Islam being fucking shitty & worthless. Care to explain?

Several in house terrorists were raised in Christian households

And a million terrorists were raised in Muslim households. Your point?

Like wtf are you even talking about?

Funny, I was thinking the EXACT SAME THING.


Go read some books and learn about shit that happened before these past few decades

Again, what does this nonsense have to do with me pointing out Islam is shitty & worthless? Whenever you're ready...

And sorry to break it to ya dude, but I just gave you a history lesson. I know you're raging now. LOL

It might give you some insight into why some people are the way they are or believe what they do.

Will it explain why Muslim countries are poverty-stricken failures when they have no oil, and even with oil they're still shit? Will it explain why every single Muslim country is economically, culturally, scientifically & technologically irrelevant?

What a mindless little rant you just went on, all because you got your panties in a twist over me stating a fact that Islam is shitty & worthless. How embarrassing for you! LOL

And if you bother replying, please cool it with the whataboutery. Good boy.
MY history? Why would I need to study MY history in response to a debate about Islam being worthless?

Those may be facts, but unfortunately for you, totally irrelevant facts. You understand what 'whataboutism' is, yes? Simply saying 'what about Christianity' does nothing to prove my statements about Islam incorrect. Please learn the basics of debating.

Godwin's Law. LMAO

And no, Christianity had nothing to do with the Nazis. They hated Christianity as they viewed it as 'soft' and a foreign, alien influence which had weakened Europeans. The Nazis wanted Europeans to return to paganism. You are historically illiterate.

And the Nazis viewed Christianity as a Jewish creation. They didn't give the slightest of fucks about Jesus you dolt. LOL

Alan Bullock will set you straight. He studied this exact topic. An excerpt:

"In Hitler's eyes, Christianity was a religion fit only for slaves; he detested its ethics in particular. Its teaching, he declared, was a rebellion against the natural law of selection by struggle and the survival of the fittest."

You are, quite simply, wrong. Now keep your whataboutery to yourself, ya goof!

Muslims were heavily involved in the enslavement of black people and other non-Muslims.

Barbary slave trade (European coastlines raided by North African pirates, resulting in about 1.25 million Europeans being enslaved for 300 years):

As far as colonialism, how'd you think Islam came to dominate so much of the world?


'Conquest & colonisation - it's okay when we do it' - Muslim proverb

Lest we forget? Stop cringeposting, bro. It's pathetic.

Anyway, I agree, we shouldn't forget... THE CRUSADES WERE FUCKING AWESOME!

They were directly in response to Muslim aggression, as they invaded Europe first and were in desperate need of a damn good kicking, which the bad ass Crusaders dealt out with extreme prejudice! Magnificent!

Anyway, still not understanding how this proves me wrong about my statements regarding Islam being fucking shitty & worthless. Care to explain?

And a million terrorists were raised in Muslim households. Your point?

Funny, I was thinking the EXACT SAME THING.


Again, what does this nonsense have to do with me pointing out Islam is shitty & worthless? Whenever you're ready...

And sorry to break it to ya dude, but I just gave you a history lesson. I know you're raging now. LOL

Will it explain why Muslim countries are poverty-stricken failures when they have no oil, and even with oil they're still shit? Will it explain why every single Muslim country is economically, culturally, scientifically & technologically irrelevant?

What a mindless little rant you just went on, all because you got your panties in a twist over me stating a fact that Islam is shitty & worthless. How embarrassing for you! LOL

And if you bother replying, please cool it with the whataboutery. Good boy.

You are a pathetic simp who would get smacked in real life most likely. Your agrressive rhetoric is most likely due to bullying or being caught up in a less than desirable upbringing surrounded by bigots and ignorant trash bags. You clearly have issues and need a nice long hug by a counsellor or therapist. You gave me a history lesson? By what, copy and pasting shit? Nice. Take my advice, seek help before you or say something stupid in the real world.
You are a pathetic simp who would get smacked in real life most likely. Your agrressive rhetoric is most likely due to bullying or being caught up in a less than desirable upbringing surrounded by bigots and ignorant trash bags. You clearly have issues and need a nice long hug by a counsellor or therapist. You gave me a history lesson? By what, copy and pasting shit? Nice. Take my advice, seek help before you or say something stupid in the real world.

LMAO I actually expected more from you ya goofy little dummy. This is the best you could muster up? Kick rocks you pathetic little brat.

And yeah, I gave you a history lesson. I brought to your attention the Muslim involvement in slavery & conquest/colonialism, how the Nazis weren't driven by Christianity and why the Crusades were fucking AWESOME! Whether or not I copy/pasted shit is irrelevant. I still taught you something you were in desperate need of learning, so it was still a history lesson.

Off you go, child.
LMAO I actually expected more from you ya goofy little dummy. This is the best you could muster up? Kick rocks you pathetic little brat.

And yeah, I gave you a history lesson. I brought to your attention the Muslim involvement in slavery & conquest/colonialism, how the Nazis weren't driven by Christianity and why the Crusades were fucking AWESOME! Whether or not I copy/pasted shit is irrelevant. I still taught you something you were in desperate need of learning, so it was still a history lesson.

Off you go, child.
If you actually read my original response. I aknowledged that many many religions/cultures wreaked mayhem well before and after islam came into the fray. I was merely pointing out that you were singling out a group for little reason other than to appease your own beliefs.
If you actually read my original response.

I read it. It was dumb and nothing but whataboutism.

I aknowledged that many many religions/cultures wreaked mayhem well before and after islam came into the fray

Which is completely irrelevant to the topic at hand: Islam being shitty & worthless.

I was merely pointing out that you were singling out a group for little reason other than to appease your own beliefs.

You understand what the topic of this thread is, right? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Appease your own beliefs? That doesn't make any grammatical sense. Learn what 'appease' means.
Meanwhile in halifax, everyone was somehow shocked when the majority of middle eastern immigrants showed up at the "leave our kids alone" rallies and made up 90% of the anti LGBTQ+ rallies. The counterprotesting students expected a small turnout of "white supremacists" that they thought they would vastly outnumber and were visibly shocked at the size of the turnout and the demographic they ended up facing off with.

I found it quite Comical myself

This will never not be funny. It's like letting a kleptomaniac stay in your home and being shocked when they rob you.
This will never not be funny. It's like letting a kleptomaniac stay in your home and being shocked when they rob you.

It's what happens when you convince yourself the only bad guys in the world are Westerners and romanticize Muslims non-stop. It's the unavoidable brick wall leftists inevitably run into.
Meanwhile in halifax, everyone was somehow shocked when the majority of middle eastern immigrants showed up at the "leave our kids alone" rallies and made up 90% of the anti LGBTQ+ rallies. The counterprotesting students expected a small turnout of "white supremacists" that they thought they would vastly outnumber and were visibly shocked at the size of the turnout and the demographic they ended up facing off with.

I found it quite Comical myself

Why was it funny or surprising that there are shitty conservative Muslims? Like I said, they're regular people.

Do all conservatives believe you only need to treat someone like a human being if you agree with them on everything? Is that why you guys think this is funny?
Why was it funny or surprising that there are shitty conservative Muslims? Like I said, they're regular people.

All Muslims are conservative. The only ones who aren't are MINO (Muslim In Name Only). The question is, why do pro-LGBT leftists support the mass migration of anti-LGBT Muslims into the West?

We think it's funny because leftists are supporting their own destruction. LOL