Advice PLEASE!


White Belt
Dec 5, 2012
Reaction score
2 years ago I trained in boxing and jiu jitsu. About 3 or so months ago after a year off I've started training at a Muay Thai gym. Ao8!

I was out of shape. I weighed about 168lbs. probably 18%+ body fat. Ever since training I am now around 150-152lbs. guessing at 12-15%bf. Lately I have lossed some motivation. I feel more scrawny than cut and defined. I want to put some muscle on these bones and increase my strength but still maintain my speed for Muay Thai.

So I'm in need of revamping my workout routine. Here's what my week breaks down to:

Work M-F

Monday and Wednesday is Muay Thai class for about a 1hour and a half.
We run drills but mostly technique. We do a lot of push ups, jump squats, and crunches. Sometimes burpees.

I used to weight lift before so it was easy to spread out muscle groups per day. With Muay Thai training its a lot more difficult for me to think of a routine! I don't want my legs and shoulders burnt out for Muay Thai on Mondays and Wednesdays!

Should I do full body routines? Do you have examples?

Anything helps!!!
Have you read the FAQ?

Try a beginner routine with weekly progression like Starting Strength.
Starting Strength.

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Squat I wouldn't post that picture, as it suggests illegally downloading the book.