About to propose to my woman


If I can type that with my dirty fingernails so could you
It's *to as in I am proposing to my GF. NOT I'm proposing too my GF. Or prior TO proposing I will get a manicure. Not prior TOO proposing I'll get a manicure.
It's *to as in I am proposing to my GF. NOT I'm proposing too my GF. Or prior TO proposing I will get a manicure. Not prior TOO proposing I'll get a manicure.

Too lazy to type out girlfriend? This generation is doomed..
Too lazy to type out girlfriend? This generation is doomed..

Hey dumb fuck,

I'm to old and lady to go through your thread. But have you proposed and got the answer you wanted or not?

Or have you just been chilling your time in this thread?
I'm to old and lady

Sorry Ma'am...you have to stop being lazy and go back to read for yourself. Or have your Direct Care Specialist do it for you.

I'm a firm believer in equality. I will treat you the same as everyone else. Even if you're an old lady.

Now kindly eat shit please and thank you.
Sorry Ma'am...you have to stop being lazy and go back to read for yourself. Or have your Direct Care Specialist do it for you.


Did you or I just out myself without my permission..?
Should try proposing with an iPad, I hear it's a guaranteed success